
Pipelining Meeting Notes

Video 2019-04-05

@alexcrichton and @nnethercote met on video for ~30m and talked about various aspects of implementing pipelining in the compiler.

What are metadata/rlibs?

First we talked a bit about what are rlibs/metadata files and how is this all going to be put together. The recap is:

  • Rustc can produce metadata files (--emit metadata). These metadata files are like header files for Rust crates. They’re internally a compiler-specific binary format and cannot be inspected.

  • Rustc can also produce rlibs (--emit link --crate-type lib). An rlib is an archive (a *.a file) which contains three things:

    • Object code (*.o)
    • Compressed bytecode (*.bc.z)
    • Metadata (metadata.bin)

    The metadata included here is the same as --emit metadata

When you type cargo build, Cargo is likely building an rlib for almost all library crates in use. When you type cargo check Cargo produces metadata files for all crates.

How are we going to pipeline?

The goal of pipelining is similar to CPU instruction pipelining, which is to fill up available hardware with as much work as possible. This can increase overall throughput without actually speeding up the intermediate operations. For example let’s say your compile looks like this:

         meta                meta
0s        5s       10s       15s       20s                30s

Here we’re have a binary which depends on libB which depends on libA. The whole compile currently takes 30s, but as noted here the metadata files for libraries are available before the compilation is finished.

Fundamentally all rustc needs to produce an rlib is the metadata.bin file from upstream crates. In other words, to compile libB, all we need is the metadata from libA, not the entire rlib. We can theoretically restructure the compilation like so:

0s        5s       10s       15s       20s

By starting subsequent compilations as soon as metadata is available, we shaved 10 seconds off this compilation. We also did that for free! Furthermore we’re able to use 2 parallel rustc processes at times instead of having everything be serial.

Compromise: linking is hard

Although we can shave 10s off compilation as shown above, it’s likely going to be very difficult to get the full wins there. There’s a caveat when compiling binary that we do actually need the *.rlib files to link. We don’t need them to typecheck and such, but the linking phase needs them.

Now linking is the final stage of the compiler, so it’s only very late that we end up needing all of the dependencies. This would require some degree of synchronization still, though, where rustc needs to know it cannot proceed until Cargo instructs it to.

As a result, the current thinking is to compromise here and simply ignore pipelining for “linkable” crates. Crates that produce binaries, dylibs, proc-macros, etc, will all wait for all their dependencies to finish before proceeding, even if they could get some work done ahead of time. As a result the target compilation timeline for our example above looks like:

0s        5s       10s       15s                25s

but we’re still saving time! Typically a dependency graph in Rust is far deeper than three crates, so the compile time wins are expected to be much larger.

Step 1: What architecture is used to pipeline rustc?

The first thing we then talked about was how rustc was going to be invoked in a pipelined fashion. There were two primary candidates we figured could be implemented:

(a) Run rustc twice

One option is to literally run rustc --emit metadata and then subsequently execute rustc --emit link The second command is in theory accelerated by incremental compilation artifacts produced by the first command.


  • Feels “pure” from a build system perspective as it keeps rustc in line with basically all other build tools, you run it to completion and don’t care about what happens in the middle.


  • We’re unlikely to reap full benefits from this strategy. The second rustc command has to redo quite a bit of work to get back to the point the first command was at, and it’s not an instantatenous piece of work even with incremental. As a result this may run a risk of slowing down compiles because the second command takes so long to start up.
(b) Signal Cargo when metadata is ready

The second option is for rustc to continue in-process after it produces metadata and go on to produce the final rlib. The compiler would, however, send a signal to Cargo (somehow) that metadata is ready to go.


  • This should get us the full speed of pipelined compilation. There’s no “startup time” for the work involved in producing the rlib since it’s already all in-process in rustc.


  • This is going to be significantly more difficult for other build systems to get integrated (those that aren’t Cargo).

Overall we decided that this option was the route to pursue due to the speed wins likely to be gained.

Step 2: work with only metadata as input

@alexcrichton claimed that rustc cannot produce an rlib today with only *.rmeta files as input. After some testing, it was found that this was a false claim. Invocations like so can produce working rlibs:

$ rustc --emit metadata,link --crate-type lib
$ rm libA.rlib
$ rustc --emit metadata,link --crate-type lib --extern libA=liblibA.rmeta

So that means this step is already done! The compiler is already capable of implementing the pipelining showed above where it can be invoked in parallel by Cargo.

Step 3: telling Cargo when metadata is ready

The next (and final) piece of implementation needed in rustc is that the compiler has to somehow tell Cargo when metadata is available on the filesystem. Cargo needs some mechanism to know when to start spawning more rustc processes (if possible), and it currently has none without watching the filesystem.

There are two primary ways we could implement this:

(a) Use a TCP server

A simple option would be for Cargo to start a small TCP server locally whenever it builds. The compiler would then connect to this server whenever a metadata file is ready to go and tell Cargo that it can proceed.


  • Relatively simple to implement in Cargo and rustc
  • Should work on all platforms


  • The compiler has to somehow tell Cargo which compiler it is (disambiguating from other parallel invocations)
  • This is a weird interface without really much precedent. It’s unclear how other build systems would take advantage of it easily. It just “feels wrong” and “icky”.
(b) Print a JSON message when metadata is ready

An alternative solution proposed by @ehuss is that the compiler could print a message on stdout/stderr to Cargo whenever a file has been produced. Cargo already does this, for example, when invoked with --message-format=json. The compiler already emits errors as JSON blobs with --error-format=json, although the compiler doesn’t emit other information via JSON right now.


  • Feels like a clean solution. No need for Cargo to figure out what rustc is printing what (it knows that from which process printed).
  • Pretty easy to implement in rustc, just another JSON message somewhere.
  • Should be somewhat usable by other build systems as it’s pretty standard to listen to stderr/stdout from spawned processes.


  • Cargo would have to always invoke the compiler with --error-format=json. Cargo does not currently do this to ensure that compiler error diagnostics are rendered to the screen correctly (aka are colorized and formatted correctly). A recent PR to rustc shows hope for Cargo to be able to do this, although it may take time to implement and stabilize that. This would become a required blocker to enabling pipelined compilation.
  • A JSON message format for rustc would need to be designed. There’s no precedent to draw from in rustc yet to emit arbitrary JSON messages about progress so far. There’s likely some desire to do so though!

We decided this is the route to go as it seems the most viable for stabilization.