Well known traits

For most traits, the question of whether some type T implements the trait is determined by looking solely at the impls that exist for the trait. But there are some well-known traits where we have "built-in" impls that are never expressly written in the compiler, they are built-in to the language itself. In some cases, these impls also encode complex conditions that an ordinary impl cannot express. To address this, chalk has a notion of a WellKnownTrait -- basically, a trait which is inherent to the language and where we will generate custom logic.

As an example, consider the logic for Sized in regards to structs: A struct can have at most one !Sized field, and it must be the last. And the last field isn't Sized, then neither is the struct itself.

Chalk has two main places that deal with well known trait logic:

  1. chalk-solve\clauses\builtin_traits, which generates built-in implementations for well-known traits.
  2. well-formedness checks, some of which need to know about well known traits.

Auto traits

Auto traits, while not exactly well known traits, do also have special logic. The idea is that the type implements an auto trait if all data owned by that type implements it, with an ability to specifically opt-out or opt-in. Additionally, auto traits are coinductive. Some common examples of auto traits are Send and Sync.

Current state

TypeCopyCloneSizedUnsizeCoerceUnsizedDropFnOnce/FnMut/FnUnpinCoroutineauto traits
tuple types
scalar types📚📚
never type📚📚
trait objects
functions defs
functions ptrs
raw ptrs📚📚
immutable refs📚📚
mutable refs
gen. witness

⚬ - not applicable
✅ - implemented
📚 - implementation provided in libcore
❌ - not implemented

❌ after a type name means that type is not yet in chalk