
Input syntax is evocative of the output (C-EVOCATIVE)

Rust macros let you dream up practically whatever input syntax you want. Aim to keep input syntax familiar and cohesive with the rest of your users' code by mirroring existing Rust syntax where possible. Pay attention to the choice and placement of keywords and punctuation.

A good guide is to use syntax, especially keywords and punctuation, that is similar to what will be produced in the output of the macro.

For example if your macro declares a struct with a particular name given in the input, preface the name with the keyword struct to signal to readers that a struct is being declared with the given name.

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // Prefer this... bitflags! { struct S: u32 { /* ... */ } } // ...over no keyword... bitflags! { S: u32 { /* ... */ } } // ...or some ad-hoc word. bitflags! { flags S: u32 { /* ... */ } } }

Another example is semicolons vs commas. Constants in Rust are followed by semicolons so if your macro declares a chain of constants, they should likely be followed by semicolons even if the syntax is otherwise slightly different from Rust's.

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // Ordinary constants use semicolons. const A: u32 = 0b000001; const B: u32 = 0b000010; // So prefer this... bitflags! { struct S: u32 { const C = 0b000100; const D = 0b001000; } } // ...over this. bitflags! { struct S: u32 { const E = 0b010000, const F = 0b100000, } } }

Macros are so diverse that these specific examples won't be relevant, but think about how to apply the same principles to your situation.

Item macros compose well with attributes (C-MACRO-ATTR)

Macros that produce more than one output item should support adding attributes to any one of those items. One common use case would be putting individual items behind a cfg.

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { bitflags! { struct Flags: u8 { #[cfg(windows)] const ControlCenter = 0b001; #[cfg(unix)] const Terminal = 0b010; } } }

Macros that produce a struct or enum as output should support attributes so that the output can be used with derive.

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { bitflags! { #[derive(Default, Serialize)] struct Flags: u8 { const ControlCenter = 0b001; const Terminal = 0b010; } } }

Item macros work anywhere that items are allowed (C-ANYWHERE)

Rust allows items to be placed at the module level or within a tighter scope like a function. Item macros should work equally well as ordinary items in all of these places. The test suite should include invocations of the macro in at least the module scope and function scope.

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { #[cfg(test)] mod tests { test_your_macro_in_a!(module); #[test] fn anywhere() { test_your_macro_in_a!(function); } } }

As a simple example of how things can go wrong, this macro works great in a module scope but fails in a function scope.

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { macro_rules! broken { ($m:ident :: $t:ident) => { pub struct $t; pub mod $m { pub use super::$t; } } } broken!(m::T); // okay, expands to T and m::T fn g() { broken!(m::U); // fails to compile, super::U refers to the containing module not g } }

Item macros support visibility specifiers (C-MACRO-VIS)

Follow Rust syntax for visibility of items produced by a macro. Private by default, public if pub is specified.

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { bitflags! { struct PrivateFlags: u8 { const A = 0b0001; const B = 0b0010; } } bitflags! { pub struct PublicFlags: u8 { const C = 0b0100; const D = 0b1000; } } }

Type fragments are flexible (C-MACRO-TY)

If your macro accepts a type fragment like $t:ty in the input, it should be usable with all of the following:

  • Primitives: u8, &str
  • Relative paths: m::Data
  • Absolute paths: ::base::Data
  • Upward relative paths: super::Data
  • Generics: Vec<String>

As a simple example of how things can go wrong, this macro works great with primitives and absolute paths but fails with relative paths.

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { macro_rules! broken { ($m:ident => $t:ty) => { pub mod $m { pub struct Wrapper($t); } } } broken!(a => u8); // okay broken!(b => ::std::marker::PhantomData<()>); // okay struct S; broken!(c => S); // fails to compile }