Type safety

Newtypes provide static distinctions (C-NEWTYPE)

Newtypes can statically distinguish between different interpretations of an underlying type.

For example, a f64 value might be used to represent a quantity in miles or in kilometers. Using newtypes, we can keep track of the intended interpretation:

fn main() {
struct Miles(pub f64);
struct Kilometers(pub f64);

impl Miles {
    fn to_kilometers(self) -> Kilometers { /* ... */ }
impl Kilometers {
    fn to_miles(self) -> Miles { /* ... */ }

Once we have separated these two types, we can statically ensure that we do not confuse them. For example, the function

fn main() {
fn are_we_there_yet(distance_travelled: Miles) -> bool { /* ... */ }

cannot accidentally be called with a Kilometers value. The compiler will remind us to perform the conversion, thus averting certain catastrophic bugs.

Arguments convey meaning through types, not bool or Option (C-CUSTOM-TYPE)


fn main() {
let w = Widget::new(Small, Round)


fn main() {
let w = Widget::new(true, false)

Core types like bool, u8 and Option have many possible interpretations.

Use a deliberate type (whether enum, struct, or tuple) to convey interpretation and invariants. In the above example, it is not immediately clear what true and false are conveying without looking up the argument names, but Small and Round are more suggestive.

Using custom types makes it easier to expand the options later on, for example by adding an ExtraLarge variant.

See the newtype pattern (C-NEWTYPE) for a no-cost way to wrap existing types with a distinguished name.

Types for a set of flags are bitflags, not enums (C-BITFLAG)

Rust supports enum types with explicitly specified discriminants:

fn main() {
enum Color {
    Red = 0xff0000,
    Green = 0x00ff00,
    Blue = 0x0000ff,

Custom discriminants are useful when an enum type needs to be serialized to an integer value compatibly with some other system/language. They support "typesafe" APIs: by taking a Color, rather than an integer, a function is guaranteed to get well-formed inputs, even if it later views those inputs as integers.

An enum allows an API to request exactly one choice from among many. Sometimes an API's input is instead the presence or absence of a set of flags. In C code, this is often done by having each flag correspond to a particular bit, allowing a single integer to represent, say, 32 or 64 flags. Rust's bitflags crate provides a typesafe representation of this pattern.

use bitflags::bitflags;

bitflags! {
    struct Flags: u32 {
        const FLAG_A = 0b00000001;
        const FLAG_B = 0b00000010;
        const FLAG_C = 0b00000100;

fn f(settings: Flags) {
    if settings.contains(Flags::FLAG_A) {
        println!("doing thing A");
    if settings.contains(Flags::FLAG_B) {
        println!("doing thing B");
    if settings.contains(Flags::FLAG_C) {
        println!("doing thing C");

fn main() {
    f(Flags::FLAG_A | Flags::FLAG_C);

Builders enable construction of complex values (C-BUILDER)

Some data structures are complicated to construct, due to their construction needing:

  • a large number of inputs
  • compound data (e.g. slices)
  • optional configuration data
  • choice between several flavors

which can easily lead to a large number of distinct constructors with many arguments each.

If T is such a data structure, consider introducing a T builder:

  1. Introduce a separate data type TBuilder for incrementally configuring a T value. When possible, choose a better name: e.g. Command is the builder for a child process, Url can be created from a ParseOptions.
  2. The builder constructor should take as parameters only the data required to make a T.
  3. The builder should offer a suite of convenient methods for configuration, including setting up compound inputs (like slices) incrementally. These methods should return self to allow chaining.
  4. The builder should provide one or more "terminal" methods for actually building a T.

The builder pattern is especially appropriate when building a T involves side effects, such as spawning a task or launching a process.

In Rust, there are two variants of the builder pattern, differing in the treatment of ownership, as described below.

Non-consuming builders (preferred)

In some cases, constructing the final T does not require the builder itself to be consumed. The following variant on std::process::Command is one example:

fn main() {
// NOTE: the actual Command API does not use owned Strings;
// this is a simplified version.

pub struct Command {
    program: String,
    args: Vec<String>,
    cwd: Option<String>,
    // etc

impl Command {
    pub fn new(program: String) -> Command {
        Command {
            program: program,
            args: Vec::new(),
            cwd: None,

    /// Add an argument to pass to the program.
    pub fn arg(&mut self, arg: String) -> &mut Command {

    /// Add multiple arguments to pass to the program.
    pub fn args(&mut self, args: &[String]) -> &mut Command {

    /// Set the working directory for the child process.
    pub fn current_dir(&mut self, dir: String) -> &mut Command {
        self.cwd = Some(dir);

    /// Executes the command as a child process, which is returned.
    pub fn spawn(&self) -> io::Result<Child> {
        /* ... */

Note that the spawn method, which actually uses the builder configuration to spawn a process, takes the builder by shared reference. This is possible because spawning the process does not require ownership of the configuration data.

Because the terminal spawn method only needs a reference, the configuration methods take and return a mutable borrow of self.

The benefit

By using borrows throughout, Command can be used conveniently for both one-liner and more complex constructions:

fn main() {
// One-liners

// Complex configuration
let mut cmd = Command::new("/bin/ls");
if size_sorted {

Consuming builders

Sometimes builders must transfer ownership when constructing the final type T, meaning that the terminal methods must take self rather than &self.

fn main() {
impl TaskBuilder {
    /// Name the task-to-be.
    pub fn named(mut self, name: String) -> TaskBuilder {
        self.name = Some(name);

    /// Redirect task-local stdout.
    pub fn stdout(mut self, stdout: Box<io::Write + Send>) -> TaskBuilder {
        self.stdout = Some(stdout);

    /// Creates and executes a new child task.
    pub fn spawn<F>(self, f: F) where F: FnOnce() + Send {
        /* ... */

Here, the stdout configuration involves passing ownership of an io::Write, which must be transferred to the task upon construction (in spawn).

When the terminal methods of the builder require ownership, there is a basic tradeoff:

  • If the other builder methods take/return a mutable borrow, the complex configuration case will work well, but one-liner configuration becomes impossible.

  • If the other builder methods take/return an owned self, one-liners continue to work well but complex configuration is less convenient.

Under the rubric of making easy things easy and hard things possible, all builder methods for a consuming builder should take and return an owned self. Then client code works as follows:

fn main() {
// One-liners
TaskBuilder::new("my_task").spawn(|| { /* ... */ });

// Complex configuration
let mut task = TaskBuilder::new();
task = task.named("my_task_2"); // must re-assign to retain ownership
if reroute {
    task = task.stdout(mywriter);
task.spawn(|| { /* ... */ });

One-liners work as before, because ownership is threaded through each of the builder methods until being consumed by spawn. Complex configuration, however, is more verbose: it requires re-assigning the builder at each step.