Why GATs?

available on nightly stabilization

As the name suggests, generic associated types are an extension that permit associated types to have generic parameters. This allows associated types to capture types that may include generic parameters that came from a trait method. These can be lifetime or type parameters.

To see why they are useful, we'll start by looking at the Iterator trait, which defines a single iterator over some items. This trait works great with plain associated types. We'll then consider how we could create an Iterable trait, that defines a collection that can be iterated many times -- this trait requires generic associated types.

Example: Iterator

Associated types in a trait are used to capture types that appear in methods but are determined based on the impl that is chosen (i.e., by the type implementing the trait) rather than being specified from the outside. The simplest example is the Iterator trait:

fn main() {
trait Iterator {
    type Item;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;

Because the Iterator trait defines the Item type as an associated type, that implies that every type which implements Iterator will also specify what sort of Item it generates.

As an example, imagine I have an iterator for items in a slice &'c [T]...

fn main() {
struct Iter<'c, T> {
    data: &'c [T],

impl<'c, T> Iterator for Iter<'c, T> {
    type Item = &'c T;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        if let Some((prefix_elem, suffix)) = self.data.split_first() {
            self.data = suffix;
        } else {

...the impl specifies that the type of this iterator is &'c T.

Extending to Iterable

Associated types are useful, but on their own they are often insufficient to capture the patterns we would like to write as a trait. Often, this occurs when the associated type wants to include data borrowed from self or some other parameter.

The Iterator trait is great, but if you write a generic function that takes an Iterator, that iterator can only be iterated over a single time. Imagine a function that wanted to iterate once to find a total count and then again to process each item, this time knowing the full count:

fn main() {
fn count_twice<I: Iterator>(iterator: I) {
    let mut count = 0;
    for _ in iterator {
        count += 1;

    // Error: iterator already used
    for elem in iterator {
        process(elem, count);

Of course, most Rust types in the standard library have a method called iter that is exactly what we want (e.g., [T]::iter). Given an &'i self, these functions return a fresh iterator that yields up &'i T references into the collection. Because they take a &self, they can be called as many times as we want. So, if we knew which kind of collection we had, we could easily write count_twice to take a [T] or a HashMap<T> or whatever. But what if we want to write it generically, so it works across any collection? That turns out to be impossible to do nicely with associated types.

To see why, let's try to write the code and see where we get a stuck. We'll start by defining an Iterable trait:

fn main() {
trait Iterable {
    // Type of item yielded up; will be a reference into `Self`.
    type Item;

    // Type of iterator we return. Will return `Self::Item` elements.
    type Iter: Iterator<Item = Self::Item>;

    fn iter<'c>(&'c self) -> Self::Iter;

But when we try to write the impl, we run into a problem:

fn main() {
impl<T> Iterable for [T] {
    type Item = &'hmm T;
    //           ^^^^ what lifetime to use here?

    type Iter = Iter<'hmm, T>;
    //               ^^^^ what lifetime to use here?

    fn iter<'c>(&'c self) -> Self::Iter {
        //       ^^ THIS is the lifetime we want, but it's not in scope!
        Iter { data: self }

You see the problem? In the case of Iterator, the Self type was &'c [T] and the Item type was &'c T. Since both 'c and T appeared at the impl header level, both of those generic parameters were in scope and usable in the associated type. But for Iterable, we still want to yield references like &'c T, but 'c is not declared on the impl -- it's specific to the call to iter.

The fact that the lifetime parameter 'c is declared on the method is not just a minor detail. It is exactly what allows something to be iterated many times; that is, the thing we are trying to capture with the Iterable trait. It means that the borrow you get when you call iter() only has to last as long as this specific call to iter. If you call iter multiple times, they can be instantiated with distinct borrows. (In contrast, if 'c were declared at the impl scope, the borrow would last across all calls to any method in Iterable.)