📚 Explainer

The "explainer" is "end-user readable" documentation that explains how to use the feature being deveoped by this initiative. If you want to experiment with the feature, you've come to the right place. Until the feature enters "feature complete" form, the explainer should be considered a work-in-progress.

Negative impls: a promise NOT to do something

By now you are probably familiar with trait impls in Rust:

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // In version 1.0 of the crate `uint`: trait UnsignedInt { fn increment(&mut self); } impl UnsignedInt for u16 { fn increment(&mut self) { *self += 1; } } impl UnsignedInt for u32 { fn increment(&mut self) { *self += 1; } } impl UnsignedInt for u64 { fn increment(&mut self) { *self += 1; } } }

Impls are forever

Of course, a trait implementation provides the definition of a trait's methods, but it also provides a semver promise: future releases of the same crate cannot remove an implementation without a major version bump.

Minor versions can add new impls

It is, however, legal for crates to add a new implementation in a minor version (with some caveats1). So, if we had the trait above, one could add an impl for u8:

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // In version 1.1 of the crate `uint`: impl UnsignedInt for u8 { fn increment(&mut self) { *self += 1; } } }

It is not permitted to add a blanket impl in a minor version. See RFC 2451 for more details.

Implication: Downstream crates cannot rely on something not being implemented

A consequence of the fact that crates are permitted to add new impls is that Rust code cannot rely on impls not being implemented, since impls that don't exist today may come to exist in the future. The primary place that this comes up today is with coherence. Consider this example:

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // In another crate `foo` that depends on `uint`: trait FooTrait { } impl<T: uint::UnsignedInt> FooTrait for T { } impl FooTrait for u128 { } }

At the moment, uint does not implement UnsignedInt for u128, so one could imagine that this code would compile. However, if we were to allow that, then the crate foo might be broken by some future release of uint which adds an impl for u128. In particular, that would cause there to be two overlapping impls for FooTrait, and this is not allowed. That is a problem, since adding a new impl is meant to be a non-breaking change. For this reason, Rust rejects the impls above, unless they appear within the crate uint itself (the idea is that, within the crate, if you were to add the new impl, you would get a compilation error locally).

In the foo example, Rust's restriction makes sense. It seems highly likely that adding not having u128 implement UnsignedInt was just an oversight. But other examples are less clear. Imagine this crate, bar:

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // In yet another crate `bar` that depends on `uint`: trait BarTrait { } impl<T: uint::UnsignedInt> BarTrait for T { } impl BarTrait for String { } }

Again, the compiler rejects this code, this time because it is concerned that some future release of uint might add an impl of UnsignedInt for String -- but that seems very unlikely to happen, since string is not an integer of any kind. (Although not impossible -- maybe we'd like to be able to treat format!("123") as an integer?) How are we to distinguish these two cases?

Enter: Negative impls

The idea of negative impls is to make it possible for a crate to promise not to implement something. Given this extension, the uint crate could add an impl like the following:

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // In uint v1.2: impl !UnsignedInt for String { } }

Once added, removing a negative impl is a breaking change, just as with a positive impl. Effectively, the negative impl is a promise by uint never to implement UnsignedInt for String. Given this negative impl, it is then fine for bar to add impls that rely on String not implementing UnsignedInt, so that example would compile.