Write a Sanity Test

Finally, to tie everything together, let's write a sanity test that round trips some text through compression and decompression, and then asserts that it came back out the same as it went in. This is a little wordy using the raw FFI bindings, but hopefully we wouldn't usually ask people to do this, we'd provide a nice Rust-y API on top of the raw FFI bindings for them. However, since this is for testing the bindings directly, our sanity test will use the bindings directly.

The test data I'm round tripping are some Futurama quotes I got off the internet and put in the futurama-quotes.txt file, which is read into a &'static str at compile time via the include_str!("../futurama-quotes.txt") macro invocation.

Without further ado, here is the test, which should be appended to the bottom of our src/lib.rs file:

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use std::mem; #[test] fn round_trip_compression_decompression() { unsafe { let input = include_str!("../futurama-quotes.txt").as_bytes(); let mut compressed_output: Vec<u8> = vec![0; input.len()]; let mut decompressed_output: Vec<u8> = vec![0; input.len()]; // Construct a compression stream. let mut stream: bz_stream = mem::zeroed(); let result = BZ2_bzCompressInit(&mut stream as *mut _, 1, // 1 x 100000 block size 4, // verbosity (4 = most verbose) 0); // default work factor match result { r if r == (BZ_CONFIG_ERROR as _) => panic!("BZ_CONFIG_ERROR"), r if r == (BZ_PARAM_ERROR as _) => panic!("BZ_PARAM_ERROR"), r if r == (BZ_MEM_ERROR as _) => panic!("BZ_MEM_ERROR"), r if r == (BZ_OK as _) => {}, r => panic!("Unknown return value = {r}"), } // Compress `input` into `compressed_output`. stream.next_in = input.as_ptr() as *mut _; stream.avail_in = input.len() as _; stream.next_out = compressed_output.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _; stream.avail_out = compressed_output.len() as _; let result = BZ2_bzCompress(&mut stream as *mut _, BZ_FINISH as _); match result { r if r == (BZ_RUN_OK as _) => panic!("BZ_RUN_OK"), r if r == (BZ_FLUSH_OK as _) => panic!("BZ_FLUSH_OK"), r if r == (BZ_FINISH_OK as _) => panic!("BZ_FINISH_OK"), r if r == (BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR as _) => panic!("BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR"), r if r == (BZ_STREAM_END as _) => {}, r => panic!("Unknown return value = {r}"), } // Finish the compression stream. let result = BZ2_bzCompressEnd(&mut stream as *mut _); match result { r if r == (BZ_PARAM_ERROR as _) => panic!("BZ_PARAM_ERROR"), r if r == (BZ_OK as _) => {}, r => panic!("Unknown return value = {r}"), } // Construct a decompression stream. let mut stream: bz_stream = mem::zeroed(); let result = BZ2_bzDecompressInit(&mut stream as *mut _, 4, // verbosity (4 = most verbose) 0); // default small factor match result { r if r == (BZ_CONFIG_ERROR as _) => panic!("BZ_CONFIG_ERROR"), r if r == (BZ_PARAM_ERROR as _) => panic!("BZ_PARAM_ERROR"), r if r == (BZ_MEM_ERROR as _) => panic!("BZ_MEM_ERROR"), r if r == (BZ_OK as _) => {}, r => panic!("Unknown return value = {r}"), } // Decompress `compressed_output` into `decompressed_output`. stream.next_in = compressed_output.as_ptr() as *mut _; stream.avail_in = compressed_output.len() as _; stream.next_out = decompressed_output.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _; stream.avail_out = decompressed_output.len() as _; let result = BZ2_bzDecompress(&mut stream as *mut _); match result { r if r == (BZ_PARAM_ERROR as _) => panic!("BZ_PARAM_ERROR"), r if r == (BZ_DATA_ERROR as _) => panic!("BZ_DATA_ERROR"), r if r == (BZ_DATA_ERROR_MAGIC as _) => panic!("BZ_DATA_ERROR"), r if r == (BZ_MEM_ERROR as _) => panic!("BZ_MEM_ERROR"), r if r == (BZ_OK as _) => panic!("BZ_OK"), r if r == (BZ_STREAM_END as _) => {}, r => panic!("Unknown return value = {r}"), } // Close the decompression stream. let result = BZ2_bzDecompressEnd(&mut stream as *mut _); match result { r if r == (BZ_PARAM_ERROR as _) => panic!("BZ_PARAM_ERROR"), r if r == (BZ_OK as _) => {}, r => panic!("Unknown return value = {r}"), } assert_eq!(input, &decompressed_output[..]); } } } }

Now let's run cargo test again and verify that everything is linking and binding properly!

$ cargo test Compiling bindgen-tutorial-bzip2-sys v0.1.0 Finished debug [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.54 secs Running target/debug/deps/bindgen_tutorial_bzip2_sys-1c5626bbc4401c3a running 15 tests test bindgen_test_layout___darwin_pthread_handler_rec ... ok test bindgen_test_layout___sFILE ... ok test bindgen_test_layout___sbuf ... ok test bindgen_test_layout__bindgen_ty_1 ... ok test bindgen_test_layout__bindgen_ty_2 ... ok test bindgen_test_layout__opaque_pthread_attr_t ... ok test bindgen_test_layout__opaque_pthread_cond_t ... ok test bindgen_test_layout__opaque_pthread_condattr_t ... ok test bindgen_test_layout__opaque_pthread_mutex_t ... ok test bindgen_test_layout__opaque_pthread_mutexattr_t ... ok test bindgen_test_layout__opaque_pthread_once_t ... ok test bindgen_test_layout__opaque_pthread_rwlock_t ... ok test bindgen_test_layout__opaque_pthread_rwlockattr_t ... ok test bindgen_test_layout__opaque_pthread_t ... ok block 1: crc = 0x47bfca17, combined CRC = 0x47bfca17, size = 2857 bucket sorting ... depth 1 has 2849 unresolved strings depth 2 has 2702 unresolved strings depth 4 has 1508 unresolved strings depth 8 has 538 unresolved strings depth 16 has 148 unresolved strings depth 32 has 0 unresolved strings reconstructing block ... 2857 in block, 2221 after MTF & 1-2 coding, 61+2 syms in use initial group 5, [0 .. 1], has 570 syms (25.7%) initial group 4, [2 .. 2], has 256 syms (11.5%) initial group 3, [3 .. 6], has 554 syms (24.9%) initial group 2, [7 .. 12], has 372 syms (16.7%) initial group 1, [13 .. 62], has 469 syms (21.1%) pass 1: size is 2743, grp uses are 13 6 15 0 11 pass 2: size is 1216, grp uses are 13 7 15 0 10 pass 3: size is 1214, grp uses are 13 8 14 0 10 pass 4: size is 1213, grp uses are 13 9 13 0 10 bytes: mapping 19, selectors 17, code lengths 79, codes 1213 final combined CRC = 0x47bfca17 [1: huff+mtf rt+rld {0x47bfca17, 0x47bfca17}] combined CRCs: stored = 0x47bfca17, computed = 0x47bfca17 test tests::round_trip_compression_decompression ... ok test result: ok. 15 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured Doc-tests bindgen-tutorial-bzip2-sys running 0 tests test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured