❓ How to vision

How you can help

🛑 Coming soonParticipate in discussions and development towards roadmap goals
🛑 Coming soonTake ownership of "help wanted" goals from the roadmap

Making the vision real

We are currently working towards implementing the macros vision described in this website. If you'd like to participate in an initiative, you can find the appropriate Zulip stream and see if they are looking for help!

Goal and initiative owners

Each top-level goal and initiative in the roadmap has an owner. The owner of the top-level goal manages the goal overall, while the owner of an initiative manages the "nitty gritty" design work (for example, preparing the evaluation, authoring any RFCs required, or supervising the implementation). You can learn more about the responsibilities of owners in this page. If you have questions about whether you can help out with a goal or an initiative, the owner is probably the one to talk to.

Help wanted goals

Some of the top-level goals are marked with ✋, which means "help wanted". Those goals are looking for an owner. If you think you might be interested, you can read about the responsibilities of owners and contact the wg leads.