
This sub-chapter is meant to describe the current handling of coinductive goals in the recursive solver rather than providing an extensive overview over the theoretical backgrounds and ideas. It follows the description in this GitHub comment and the Zulip topic linked there. In general, coinductive cycles can arise for well-formedness checking and autotraits. Therefore, correctly handling coinductive cycles is necessary to model the Rust trait system in its entirety.

General Idea

Coinductive cycles can be handled the same way as inductive cycles described before. The only difference is the start value for coinductive goals. Whereas inductive goals start with a negative result and are iterated until a least fixed-point is found, coinductive goals start with a positive result (i.e. a unique solution with identity substitution). This negative result is then iterated until a greatest fixed-point is reached.

Mixed co-inductive and inductive Cycles

As described above, the handling of inductive and coindutive cycles differs only in the start value from which the computation begins. Thus, it might seem reasonable to have mixed inductive and coinductive cycles as all goals inside these cycles would be handled the same way anyway. Unfortunately, this is not possible for the kind of logic that Chalk is based on (i.e. essentially an extension of co-LP for Hereditary Harrop clauses, cf. this paper).

There is fundamental difference between results for inductive cycles and results for coinductive cycles of goals. An inductive goal is provable if and only if there exists a proof for it consisting of a finite chain of derivations from axioms that are members of the least-fixed point of the underlying logic program. On the other hand, coinductive goals are provable if there exists an at most infinite derivation starting from the axioms that proves it (this includes in particular all finite derivations). This infinite derivation is then part of the greatest fixed-point of the logic program. As infinite derivations are not feasible to compute, it is enough to show that such a derivation contains no contradiction.

A simple example X :- X. (with X a free variable) is thus not provable by inductive reasoning (the least solution/lfp for this is the empty solution, a failure) but it is provable by coinductive reasoning (the greatest solution/gfp is the universe, i.e. all values).

This difference between inductive and coinductive results becomes a problem when combined in a single cycle. Consider a coinductive goal CG and an inductive goal IG. Now consider the simplest possible mixed cycle:

CG :- IG
IG :- CG

It is apparent, that there can not exist a solution for IG as the cyclic dependency prevents a finite proof derivation. In contrast to that, CG could potentially be provable as the derivation CG if IG if CG if IG ... is infinite and based only on the two axioms. As a result, CG would hold whereas IG would not hold, creating a contradiction.

The simplest solution to this problem, proposed by Simon et al. in their paper about co-LP, is to disallow mixed inductive and coinductive cycles. This approach is also used by Chalk.

Prevention of Invalid Results

The problem of invalid results propagated outside of the coinductive cycle is also described in the Coinduction chapter for the SLG solver alongside the rather complex handling used with it. Whereas the SLG solver introduces special constructs to handle coinduction, it is sufficient for the recursive solver to use the same logic for inductive and coinductive cycles. The following is a description of how this works in more detail.

The Problem

The problem arises if a solution that is purely based on the positive starting value for the coinductive cycle is cached (or tabled in logic programming terms) and as such propagated to other goals that are possibly reliant on this. An example where all clause goals are assumedly coinductive may look like this (cf. the test case coinduction::coinductive_unsound1):

C :- C1.
C :- C2.
C1 :- C2, C3.
C2 :- C1.

The following is a computation to find out whether there exists a type that implements C. Here the implementation of C may be proved by either showing that the type implements C1 or C2.

  • Start proving C by trying to prove C1:
    • For C1 try to prove C2 and C3:
      • Start with C2. For C2 we need to prove C1:
        • This is a (coinductive) cycle. Assume that C1 holds, i.e. use the positive start value.
      • Based on this C2 also holds. If this case is not handled specifically, the solution for C2 is cached without a reference to the solution for C1 on which it depends.
      • Now try to prove C3:
        • Find that there is no way do so from the given axioms.
      • Thus, there exists no solution for C3 and the computation fails. This valid result is cached and lifted back up.
    • Due to the failure of C3 there is also no solution for C1. This failure is also cached correctly and lifted back up. The cached solution for C2 has now become invalid as it depends on a positive result for C1.
  • As a result of the failure for C1, C can not be proved from C1. Try proving C from C2 instead:
    • Find the cached result that C2 has a solution and lift it back up.
  • Due to the solution for C2, C is also proved with the same solution.
  • Stop with this positive but invalid result for C.

The Solution

The above example should make it evident that the caching of found solutions in coinductive cycles can lead to invalid results and should therefore be prevented. This can be achieved by delaying the caching of all results inside the coinductive cycle until it is clear whether the start of the cycle (i.e. C1 in the example above) is provable (cf. the handling of inductive cycles before). If the start of the cycle can be proven by the results of the cycle and related subgoals then the assumption about it was correct and thus all results for goals inside the cycle are also valid. If, however, the start of the cycle can not be proved, i.e. the initial assumption was false, then a subset of the found solutions for the coinductive cycle may be invalid (i.e. the solution for C2 in the example).

To remove such invalid results, the cycle is restarted with a negative result for the cycle start. With this approach, it is possible to remove all invalid result that would otherwise depend on the disproved cycle assumption. To allow for the cycle to be restarted correctly, all nodes in the search graph after the cycle start are deleted.

With this procedure, the example is handled as follows:

  • Start proving C with C1:
    • For C1 prove C2 and C3:
      • For C2 prove C1:
        • This is a coinductive cycle. Assume that C1 holds.
      • Thus C2 also holds. Delay the caching of the result about C2.
      • There is no way to prove C3. Cache this result and lift the failure up.
    • Due to the failure of C3 there is also no solution for C1. Set C1 to a negative result and restart the cycle.
      • For C2 prove C1:
        • C1 has now a negative result.
      • Thus, C2 also has a negative result which is not yet cached.
      • Find the already cached negative result for C3.
    • Nothing changed regarding C1 (this would indicate a negative cycle which is currently not allowed) and the negative result for C1 and C2 are cached. Lift the negative result for C1 back up.
  • Start proving C with C2:
    • Find negative cached result for C2. Lift the result back up.
  • Neither C1 nor C2 have a positive result. Stop with the valid disproof of C.