Return position impl Trait in traits

This is a draft RFC that will be submitted to the rust-lang/rfcs repository when it is ready.

Feedback welcome!

Return position impl Trait in traits


  • Permit impl Trait in fn return position within traits and trait impls.
  • This desugars to an anonymous associated type.


The impl Trait syntax is currently accepted in a variety of places within the Rust language to mean "some type that implements Trait" (for an overview, see the explainer from the impl trait initiative). For function arguments, impl Trait is equivalent to a generic parameter and it is accepted in all kinds of functions (free functions, inherent impls, traits, and trait impls). In return position, impl Trait corresponds to an opaque type whose value is inferred. In that role, it is currently accepted only in free functions and inherent impls. This RFC extends the support to cover traits and trait impls, just like argument position.

Example use case

The use case for -> impl Trait in trait fns is similar to its use in other contexts: traits often wish to return "some type" without specifying the exact type. As a simple example that we will use through the RFC, consider the NewIntoIterator trait, which is a variant of the existing IntoIterator that uses impl Iterator as the return type:

fn main() {
trait NewIntoIterator {
    type Item;
    fn into_iter(self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Self::Item>;

Guide-level explanation

This section assumes familiarity with the basic semantics of impl trait in return position.

When you use impl Trait as the return type for a function within a trait definition or trait impl, the intent is the same: impls that implement this trait return "some type that implements Trait", and users of the trait can only rely on that. However, the desugaring to achieve that effect looks somewhat different than other cases of impl trait in return position. This is because we cannot desugar to a type alias in the surrounding module; we need to desugar to an associated type (effectively, a type alias in the trait).

Consider the following trait:

fn main() {
trait IntoIntIterator {
    fn into_int_iter(self) -> impl Iterator<Item = u32>;

The semantics of this are analogous to introducing a new associated type within the surrounding trait;

fn main() {
trait IntoIntIterator { // desugared
    type IntoIntIter: Iterator<Item = u32>;
    fn into_int_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIntIter;

(In general, this associated type may be generic; it would contain whatever generic parameters are captured per the generic capture rules given previously.)

This associated type is introduced by the compiler and cannot be named by users.

The impl for a trait like IntoIntIterator must also use impl Trait in return position:

fn main() {
impl IntoIntIterator for Vec<u32> {
    fn into_int_iter(self) -> impl Iterator<Item = u32> {

This is equivalent to specify the value of the associated type as an impl Trait:

fn main() {
impl IntoIntIterator for Vec<u32> {
    type IntoIntIter = impl Iterator<Item = u32>
    fn into_int_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIntIter {

Reference-level explanation

Equivalent desugaring for traits

Each -> impl Trait notation appearing in a trait fn return type is desugared to an anonymous associated type; the name of this type is a fresh name that cannot be typed by Rust programmers. In this RFC, we will use the name $ when illustrating desugarings and the like.

As a simple example, consider the following (more complex examples follow):

fn main() {
trait NewIntoIterator {
    type Item;
    fn into_iter(self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Self::Item>;

// becomes

trait NewIntoIterator {
    type Item;

    type $: Iterator<Item = Self::Item>;

    fn into_iter(self) -> <Self as NewIntoIterator>::$;

Equivalent desugaring for trait impls

Each -> impl Trait notation appearing in a trait impl fn return type is desugared to the same anonymous associated type $ defined in the trait along with a function that returns it. The value of this associated type $ is an impl Trait.

fn main() {
impl NewIntoIterator for Vec<u32> {
    type Item = u32;

    fn into_iter(self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Self::Item> {

// becomes

impl NewIntoIterator for Vec<u32> {
    type Item = u32;
    type $ = impl Iterator<Item = Self::Item>;

    fn into_iter(self) -> <Self as NewIntoIterator>::$ {

Impl trait must be used in both trait and trait impls

Using -> impl Trait notation in a trait requires that all trait impls also use -> impl Trait notation in their return types. Similarly, using -> impl Trait notation in an impl is only legal if the trait also uses that notation:

fn main() {
trait NewIntoIterator {
    type Item;
    fn into_iter(self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Self::Item>;

// OK:
impl NewIntoIterator for Vec<u32> {
    type Item = u32;
    fn into_iter(self) -> impl Iterator<Item = u32> {

// Not OK:
impl NewIntoIterator for Vec<u32> {
    type Item = u32;
    fn into_iter(self) -> vec::IntoIter<u32> {

Rationale: Maximizing forwards compatibility. We may wish at some point to permit impls and traits to diverge but there is no reason to do it at this time.

Generic parameter capture and GATs

As with -> impl Trait in other kinds of functions, the hidden type for -> impl Trait in a trait may reference any of the type or const parameters declared on the impl or the method; it may also reference any lifetime parameters that explicitly appear in the trait bounds (details). We say that a generic parameter is captured if it may appear in the hidden type.

When desugaring, captured parameters from the method are reflected as generic parameters on the $ associated type. Furthermore, the $ associated type has the required brings whatever where clauses are declared on the method into scope (excepting those which reference other parameters that are not captured). This transformation is precisely the same as the one which is applied to other forms of -> impl Trait, except that it applies to an associated type and not a top-level type alias.


fn main() {
trait RefIterator for Vec<u32> {
    type Item<'me>
        Self: 'me;

    fn iter<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Self:Item<'a>>;

// Since 'a is named in the bounds, it is captured.
// `RefIterator` thus becomes:

trait RefIterator for Vec<u32> {
    type Item<'me>
        Self: 'me;

    type $<'a>: impl Iterator<Item = Self::Item<'a>>
        Self: 'a; // Implied bound from fn

    fn iter<'a>(&'a self) -> Self::$<'a>;

Dyn safety

To start, traits that use -> impl Trait will not be considered dyn safe, even if the method has a where Self: Sized bound. This is because dyn types currently require that all associated types are named, and the $ type cannot be named. The other reason is that the value of impl Trait is often a type that is unique to a specific impl, so even if the $ type could be named, specifying its value would defeat the purpose of the dyn type, since it would effectively identify the dynamic type.

Rationale and alternatives

Can traits migrate from a named associated type to impl Trait?

Not compatibly, no, because they would no longer have a named associated type.

Can traits migrate from impl Trait to a named associated type?

Generally yes, but all impls would have to be rewritten.

Would there be any way to make it possible to migrate from impl Trait to a named associated type compatibly?

Potentially! There have been proposals to allow the values of associated types that appear in function return types to be inferred from the function declaration. So the trait has fn method(&self) -> Self::Iter and the impl has fn method(&self) -> impl Iterator, then the impl would also be inferred to have type Iter = impl Iterator (and the return type rewritten to reference it). This may be a good idea, but it is not proposed as part of this RFC.

What about using a named associated type?

One alternative under consideration was to use a named associated type instead of the anonymous $ type. The name could be derived by converting "snake case" methods to "camel case", for example. This has the advantage that users of the trait can refer to the return type by name.

We decided against this proposal:

  • Introducing a name by converting to camel-case feels surprising and inelegant.
  • Return position impl Trait in other kinds of functions doesn't introduce any sort of name for the return type, so it is not analogous.

There is a need to introduce a mechanism for naming the return type for functions that use -> impl Trait; we plan to introduce a second RFC addressing this need uniformly across all kinds of functions.

As a backwards compatibility note, named associated types could likely be introduced later, although there is always the possibility of users having introduced associated types with the same name.

Does auto trait leakage still occur for -> impl Trait in traits?

Yes, so long as the compiler has enough type information to figure out which impl you are using. In other words, given a trait function SomeTrait::foo, if you invoke a function <T as SomeTrait>::foo() where the self type is some generic parameter T, then the compiler doesn't really know what impl is being used, so no auto trait leakage can occur. But if you were to invoke <u32 as SomeTrait>::foo(), then the compiler could resolve to a specific impl, and hence a specific impl trait type alias, and auto trait leakage would occur as normal.

Would introducing a named associated type be a breaking change for a trait?

Converting from returning impl trait to an explicit associated type is a breaking change for impls of the trait. Given this code:

fn main() {
trait Foo {
    fn bar() -> impl Display;

impl Foo for u32 {
    fn bar() -> impl Display {

transforming it to the following:

fn main() {
trait Foo {
    type Bar: Display;
    fn bar() -> Self::Bar;

impl Foo for u32 {
    fn bar() -> impl Display {

Results in an impl in the impl Foo for u32. The Future possibilities section discusses some possible ways we could mitigate this in the future by other language extensions.

Prior art

There are a number of crates that do desugaring like this manually or with procedural macros. One notable example is real-async-trait.

Unresolved questions

  • None.

Future possibilities

We expect to introduce a mechanism for naming the result of -> impl Trait return types in a follow-up RFC (see the draft named function types rfc for the current thinking).

Similarly, we expect to be introducing language extensions to address the inability to use -> impl Trait types with dynamic dispatch. These mechanisms are needed for async fn as well. A good writeup of the challenges can be found on the "challenges" page of the async fundamentals initiative.

Finally, it would be possible to introduce a mechanism that allows users to give a name to the associated type that is returned by impl trait. One proposed mechanim is to support an inference mechanism, so that one if you have a function fn foo() -> Self::Foo that returns an associated type, the impl only needs to implement the function, and the compiler infers the value of Foo from the return type. Another options would be to extend the impl trait syntax generally to let uses give a name to the type alias or parameter that is introduced.