Impl trait in type aliases


Rust has a concept of type aliases, which let you declare one type name as an alias for another:

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { type Integer = i32; }

Type aliases can be useful for giving a short alias for some complex type. For example, imagine we had a module odd that defined an odd_integers function. odd_integers(x, y) returns an iterator over all the odd integers between x and y. Because the full return type is fairly complicated, the module defines a type alias OddIntegers that people can use to refer to it.

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { mod odd { pub type OddIntegers = std::iter::StepBy<std::ops::Range<u32>>; pub fn odd_integers(mut start: u32, stop: u32) -> OddIntegers { if (start % 2) == 0 { start += 1; } (start..stop).step_by(2) } } }

Of course, typing that long type is kind of annoying. Moreover, there are some types in Rust that don't have explicit names. For example, another way to write the "odd integers" iterator would be to call filter with a closure. But if you try to write out the type for that, you'll find that you need to give a name to the type representing the closure itself, which you can't do!

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { mod odd { pub type OddIntegers = std::iter::Filter<std::ops::Range<u32>, /* what goes here? */>; pub fn odd_integers(start: u32, stop: u32) -> OddIntegers { (start..stop).filter(|i| i % 2 != 0) } } }

Enter impl Trait1


"He says in parentheses"

The truth is that specifying the exact type for OddIntegers is overkill anyway. Chances are that we don't actually care what exact type is used there, we only care that odd_integers returns some kind of iterator. In fact, we might prefer not to specify it: that gives us the freedom to change how odd_integers is implemented in the future without potentially affecting our callers. If this sounds familiar, that's good -- it's exactly the kind of scenario that impl Trait is meant to solve!

Using impl Trait, we can still have a type alias OddIntegers, but we can avoid specifying exactly what its value is. Instead, we just say that it is "some iterator over u32":

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { mod odd { pub type OddIntegers = impl Iterator<Item = u32>; // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :tada:! pub fn odd_integers(mut start: u32, stop: u32) -> OddIntegers { if (start % 2) == 0 { start += 1; } (start..stop).step_by(2) } } }

Now it's the compiler's job to figure out the value of that type alias. In this case, the type for OddIntegers would be inferred to StepBy<Range<u32>>, but we could also change the definition to use filter, in which case the hidden type would be Filter<Range<u32>, C>, where C represents the type of the closure. This shows something important: the value of an impl Trait can include types that don't otherwise have names (in this case, the closure type C).

Hidden types

You can see that impl trait behaves a bit differently depending on where you use it. What all positions have in common is that they stand in for "some type that implements the given trait". We call that type the hidden type, because you generally don't get to rely on exactly what it is, you only get to rely on the bounds that it satisfies. What distinguishes the various positions where you can use impl Trait is which code determines the hidden type:

PositionWho determines the hidden type
Argument positionThe caller
Type aliasCode within the enclosing module
... (full table in Appendix B)