
This RFC introduces Effect-Generic Trait Declarations. These are traits which are generic over Rust's built-in effect keywords such as async. Instead of defining two near-identical traits per effect, this RFC allows a single trait to be declared which is generic over the effect. Here is a variant of the Into trait which can be implemented as either async or not.

fn main() {
trait Into<T>: Sized {
    fn into(self) -> T;

Implementers can then choose whether to implement the base version or the effectful version of the trait. If they want the base version they don't include the async effect. If they want the async version they can include the async keyword.

fn main() {
/// The base implementation
impl Into<Loaf> for Cat {    // The trait is not marked async…
    fn into(self) -> Loaf {  // and thus neither is the method.

/// The async implementation
impl async Into<AsyncLoaf> for AsyncCat {  // The trait is marked async…
    async fn into(self) -> AsyncLoaf {     // and thus so is the method.


Rust is a single language that's made up of several different sub-languages. There are the macro languages, as well as the generics language, patterns, const, unsafe, and async sub-languages. Rust works anywhere from a micro-controller to Windows, and even browsers. One of the biggest challenges we have is to not only keep the language as easy to use as we can, it's to ensure it works relatively consistently on all the different platforms we support.

We're currently in the process of adding support for the const and async language features to Rust. But we're looking at various other extensions as well, such as generator functions, fallible functions, linearity, and more. These are really big extensions to the language, whose implementation will take on the order of years. If we want to successfully introduce these features, they'll need to be integrated with every other part of the language. As well as having wide support in the stdlib.

Effect Generic Trait Declarations are a minimal language feature which enable traits to add support for new effects, without needing to duplicate the trait itself. So rather than having a trait Into, TryInto, AsyncInto, and the inevitable TryAsyncInto - we would declare a single trait Into once, which has support for any combination of async and try effects. This is backwards-compatible by design, and should be able to support any number of effect extensions we come up with in the future. Ensuring the language can keep evolving to our needs.

Guaranteeing API consistency

Evolving a programming language and stdlib is pretty difficult. We have to pay close attention to details. And in Rust specifically: once we make a mistake it's pretty hard to roll back. And we've made mistakes with effects in the past, which we now have to work with 1.


In Rust 1.34 we stabilized a new trait: TryInto. This was supposed to be the fallible version of the Into trait, containing a new associated type Error. However since Rust 1.0 we've also had the FromStr trait, which also provides a fallible conversion, but has an associated type Err. This means that when writing a fallible conversion trait, it's unclear whether the associated type should be called Err or Error.

This might seem minor, but without automation these subtle similar-but-not-quite-the-same kinds of differences stand out. The only way to ensure that different APIs in different contexts work consistently is via automation. And the best automation we have for this is the type system.

Guide-level explanation

Trait definitions

The base of Effect Generic Trait Declarations is the ability to declare traits as being generic over effects. This RFC currently only considers the async effect, but should be applicable to most other effects (modulo unsafe and const, more on that later). The way a trait is defined is by adding a #[maybe(effect)] notation. This signals that a trait may be implemented as carrying the effect. For example, a version of the Read trait which may or may not be async would be defined as:

fn main() {
pub trait Read {
    fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize>;

Trait implementations

Traits can be implemented as either async or non-async. The trait-level #[maybe(async)] can be thought of as a const-generic bool which determines the value of the method-level #[maybe(async)] declarations. So if a trait is implemented as async, all methods tagged as #[maybe(async)] have to be async too.

fn main() {
/// The base implementation
impl Read for Reader {
    fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize> {
        // ...

/// The async implementation
impl async Read for AsyncReader {
    async fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize> {
        // ...

Method markers

This RFC only covers trait methods which carry an effect or not. It does not cover types which may or may not have effects. The intent is to add this via a future extension, so for the scope of this RFC we have to be able to declare certain methods as not being generic over effects. This is the default behavior; no extra annotations are needed for this.

Taking the Read trait example again; the chain method returns a type Chain which implements Iterator. Accounting for the chain method, the declaration of Read would be:

fn main() {
pub trait Read {

    // This method is not available for `impl async Read`
    fn chain<R: Read>(self, next: R) -> Chain<Self, R>
       where Self: Sized { .. }

Because chain is not marked as maybe(async), when implementing async Read, it will not be available. If a synchronous method has to be available in an async context, it should be possible to mark it as not(async), so that it's clear it's part of the API contract for the async implementation - and is never async.

fn main() {
pub trait Read {

    // This method would be available for `impl async Read`
    fn chain<R: Read>(self, next: R) -> Chain<Self, R>
       where Self: Sized { .. }

Reference-level explanation

Effect lowering

At the MIR level the lowering of #[maybe(effect)] is shared with const, and is essentially implemented via const generic bools. Take the following maybe-async definition of Into:

fn main() {
// Trait definition
trait Into<T>: Sized {
    fn into(self) -> T;

At the type level the #[maybe(async)] system is lowered to a const bool which determines whether the function should be async. If the trait is implemented as async, the bool is set to true. If it isn't, it's set to false.

fn main() {
// Lowered trait definition
trait Into<T, const IS_ASYNC: bool = false>: Sized {
    type Ret = T;
    fn into(self) -> Self::Ret;

By default the const bool is set to false. The return type of the function here is the base return type of the definition:

fn main() {
/// The base implementation
impl Into<Loaf> for Cat {
    fn into(self) -> Loaf {

// Lowered base trait impl
impl Into<Loaf, false> for Cat { // IS_ASYNC = false
    type Ret = T;
    fn into(self) -> Self::Ret {

However if we implement the async version of the trait things change a little. In the lowering the const bool is set to true to indicate we are in fact async. And in the lowering we wrap the return type in an impl Future, as well as return an anonymous async {} block from the function.

fn main() {
/// The async implementation
impl async Into<AsyncLoaf> for AsyncCat {
    async fn into(self) -> AsyncLoaf {

// Lowered async trait impl
impl Into<AsyncLoaf, true> for AsyncCat { // IS_ASYNC = true
    type Ret = impl Future<Output = T>;
    fn into(self) -> Self::Ret {
        async move {

Effect lowering with lifetimes

Things become more interesting when lifetimes are involved in the effectful lowering of a trait. The return type of an async fn which takes a reference has to be a future with a lifetime. Which means it's in our lowering our associated type can't be a plain future - it has to be a future with a lifetime attached. And this requires lifetime GATs to work.

Say instead of the async version of Into, we tried to write the maybe-async version of AsRef 2. We could define it as follows:


this is just for the purpose of an example; I don't actually know of any cases which want an async version of AsRef. But never say never.

fn main() {
/// The trait definition
pub trait AsRef<T>
    T: ?Sized,
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &T;

/// The lowering of the trait definition
pub trait AsRef<T, const IS_ASYNC: bool = false>
    T: ?Sized,
    type Ret<'a> = &'a T
        where Self: 'a;
    fn as_ref(&self) -> Self::Ret<'_>;

We could then implement it like we did with our Into impl. The non-async impl would look like this:

fn main() {
/// The base implementation
impl AsRef<Loaf> for Cat {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &Loaf {

/// Lowering of the base implementation
impl AsRef<Loaf, false> for Cat { // IS_ASYNC = false
    type Ret<'a> = &'a Loaf
        where Self: 'a;
    fn as_ref(&self) -> Self::Ret<'_> {

And the async implementation would look like this:

fn main() {
/// The base implementation
impl async AsRef<Loaf> for AsyncCat {
    async fn as_ref(&self) -> &Loaf {

/// Lowering of the base implementation
impl AsRef<AsyncLoaf, true> for AsyncCat { // IS_ASYNC = true
    type Ret<'a> = impl Future<Output = &'a Loaf> + 'a
        where Self: 'a;
    fn as_ref(&self) -> Self::Ret<'_> {
        async {

While effect-generic trait definitions with lifetimes do rely on GATs in their lowering, crucially they don't rely on any potential notion of lifetime-generics to function. The right lifetime GATs can be emitted by the compiler during lowering, and should therefor always be accurate.

Effect states

This RFC reasons about effects as being in one of four logical states:

  • Always: This is when an effect is always present. For example: if a function implements some kind of concurrency operations, it may always want to be async. This is signaled by the existing meaning of the async fn notation.
  • Maybe: This is when an effect may sometimes be present. This will apply to most traits in the stdlib. For example, if we want to write an async version of the Read trait its associated methods will also want to be async.
  • Not: This is when an effect is never present. For example: Iterator::size_hint will likely never want to be async, even if the trait and most methods are async. In order for methods to be available in the effectful implementatin of the trait, they have to be marked as never carrying the effect.
  • Unknown: Methods which haven't explicitly declared which logical state they're in are unknown. This is a distinct state from not, because a method may be converted from unknown to maybe without breaking backwards compatibility.

For the async effect methods which are always async are labeled async fn. Methods which may or may not be async are labeled #[maybe(async)]. Methods which are never async are labeled #[not(async)]. All other methods are unlabeled, and are not made available to the async implementation of the trait.

Concrete impls and coherence

With the eye on forward-compatibility, and a potential future where types can themselves also be generic over effects, for now types may only implement either the effectful or the base variant of the trait. This ensures that the door is kept open for effect generic implementations later on. As well as ensures that during trait selection the trait variant remains unambiguous. The diagnostics for this case should clearly communicate that only a single trait variant can be implemented per type.

error[E0119]: conflicting implementations of trait `Into` for type `Cat`
 --> src/
4 | impl Into for Cat {}
  | ----------------- first implementation here
5 | impl async Into for Cat {}
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ conflicting implementation for `Cat`
  | help: types can't both implement the sync and async variant of a trait

Trait bounds

Using effect generic trait definitions in trait bounds should be no problem, assuming the bounds are concrete. Unlike concrete types, generic bounds may implement both effecful and uneffectful implementations for the same bounds as long as they target non-overlapping sets of traits. For example, assuming we had a maybe-async version of Into, introducing a maybe-async version of From would allow us to write the following non-overlapping generic bounds.

fn main() {
/// If we also introduce a maybe-async
/// version of the `From` trait…
pub trait From<T>: Sized {
    fn from(value: T) -> Self;

/// …we can implement the synchronous
/// variant for any type `T, U: From<T>`…
impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
    U: From<T> {}

/// …as well as the asynchronous variant for
/// any type `T, U: async From<T>`.
impl<T, U> async Into<U> for T
    U: async From<T> {}

For the purpose of the trait resolver, From and async From should be considered non-overlapping bounds. This is a new capability which we'll need to introduce, and effectively comes down to treating U: From<T, false> and U: From<T, true> as non-overlapping bounds. Effect-generic trait bounds (conditional effects in bounds) are not introduced by this RFC, but may be introduced by a future extension.

Super traits

Super-trait hierarchies should be supported, as long as they are appropriately annotated. Say we wanted to define a maybe-async version of BufRead which has Read as a supertrait. For that to work, the Read trait would also need to be marked maybe-async. That way if we implement the async version of BufRead we also require the async version of Read - idem for the non-async variants.

fn main() {
pub trait BufRead: #[maybe(async)] Read {
    fn fill_buf(&mut self) -> Result<&[u8]>;
    fn consume(&mut self, amt: usize);

If a trait wants to have a non-async super-trait, it has to mark the super-trait as not being async. In the case that the supertrait eventually becomes generic over an effect, it's clear from the beginning which variant we 've chosen.

fn main() {
pub trait SuperTrait {}

pub trait SubTrait: #[not(async)] SuperTrait { }

Certain traits may want to guarantee ahead of time that they will never support a certain effect. For these traits it is possible to omit the effect marker, as the state of the effect is already unambiguous. It is expected most marker traits will want to be unambiguously never support for example the async effect.

fn main() {
// The trait `Sized` guarantees it
// will not ever be an `async trait`… 
trait Sized {}

// …which means it does not require annotations
// when used as a supertrait.
trait Into<T>: Sized { .. }

TODO: prerequisites

  • associated type defaults
  • complex where bounds on associated items removing the need for them to get implemented
  • a working demo of the constness effect
  • T-types buy-in (not before the old solver got removed)


Const effect states

The const keyword in Rust has two meanings:

  • const {} blocks are always const-evaluated ("always" semantics)
  • const fn functions may be const evaluated ("maybe" semantics)

Notably const does not provide a way to declare functions which must always const-evaluated. This RFC determines all traits and methods can be in one of four [states][#effect-states], including "always async" and "maybe async". As a result declaring a function which is "maybe-async" will syntactically appear different from a function which is "maybe-const".

TODO: Additional syntax

  • we're adding some new syntax, that's going to be A Thing

TODO: Direction

  • while not inherently closing any doors, we are kind of committing to the idea that we want to extend the stdlib to be effectful - that's the point
  • this has repercussions for how we structure our base traits and interfaces too

Prior art


  • swift: async polymorphism + rethrow
  • c++: noexcept + constexpr
  • koka: effect handlers (free monad)
  • rust: const fn
  • zig: maybe async functions

Unresolved questions

  • may want to use an associated const instead of a const generic

TODO: Syntax

  • #[maybe(async)] is a placeholder
  • maybe(async) is clear but is verbose
  • ?async is sigil-heavy, but has precedence in the trait system
  • ~async is sigil-heavy, and also reserves a new sigil
  • if/else at the trait level does not create bidirectional relationships
  • async<A> is less clear and verbose


TODO: Do nothing (null hypothesis)

  • effect differences are inherent, which means they have to be solved somewhere
  • effect composition is where it gets bad; we have an async version of the stdlib, not an async + fallible version
  • things like linearity seem quite far out of reach right without this

Future possibilities

TODO: Integration with other keywords

  • fallible functions
  • generator functions
  • linearity

TODO: Effect-generic types and bodies

  • types
  • functions

fn main() {
/// Before: the base implementation
impl Into<Loaf> for Cat {
    fn into(self) -> Loaf {

/// Before: the async implementation
impl async Into<AsyncLoaf> for AsyncCat {
    async fn into(self) -> AsyncLoaf {

fn main() {
// After: a single implementation

TODO: Effect sets

  • named effect sets
  • unify core and std via sets

TODO: Normalize const

  • const fn is maybe-const
  • const {} is always const
  • this is super annoying lol, and that's why this system doesn't work for const right now