• Feature Name: never_type, never_type_fallback
  • Start Date: TBD
  • RFC PR: Past rust-lang/rfcs#1216
  • Rust Issue: TBD


Promote ! to be a full-fledged type equivalent to an enum with no variants, and adjust default inference fallback to avoid breakage.

Guide level explanation

While empty types exist already in Rust today, for example in the form of enum Foo {}, most Rust users will not be directly familiar with them, so this RFC provides an explanation of the properties these types hold (and that ! will hold).

  • They never exist at runtime, because there is no way to create one.

  • Code that handles them cannot execute, because there is no value that it could execute with. Therefore, having an empty type in scope is a static guarantee that a piece of code will never be run.

  • They represent the return type of functions that don't return. For a function that never returns, such as std::process::exit, the set of all values it may return is the empty set. That is to say, the type of all values it may return is the type of no inhabitants, ie. Never or anything isomorphic to it. Similarly, they are the logical type for expressions that never return to their caller such as break, continue and return.

  • They can be converted to any other type. To specify a function A -> B we need to specify a return value in B for every possible argument in A. For example, an expression that converts bool -> T needs to specify a return value for both possible arguments true and false:

    fn main() {
    let foo: &'static str = match x {
      true  => "some_value",
      false => "some_other_value",

    Likewise, an expression to convert () -> T needs to specify one value, the value corresponding to ():

    fn main() {
    let foo: &'static str = match x {
      ()  => "some_value",

    And following this pattern, to convert Never -> T we need to specify a T for every possible Never. Of which there are none:

    fn main() {
    let foo: &'static str = match x { };

    Reading this, it may be tempting to ask the question "what is the value of foo then?". Remember that this depends on the value of x. As there are no possible values of x it's a meaningless question and besides, the fact that x has type Never gives us a static guarantee that the match block will never be executed.

Here's some example code that uses Never. This is legal rust code that you can run today.

use std::process::exit;

// Our empty type
enum Never {}

// A diverging function with an ordinary return type
fn wrap_exit() -> Never {

// we can use a `Never` value to diverge without using unsafe code or calling
// any diverging intrinsics
fn diverge_from_never(n: Never) -> ! {
    match n {

fn main() {
    let x: Never = wrap_exit();
    // `x` is in scope, everything below here is dead code.

    let y: String = match x {
        // no match cases as `!` is uninhabited

    // we can still use `y` though
    println!("Our string is: {}", y);

    // we can use `x` to diverge

This RFC proposes that we allow ! to be used directly, as a type, rather than using Never (or equivalent) in its place. Under this RFC, the above code could more simply be written.

use std::process::exit;

fn main() {
    let x: ! = exit(0);
    // `x` is in scope, everything below here is dead code.

    let y: String = match x {
        // no match cases as `Never` has no variants

    // we can still use `y` though
    println!("Our string is: {}", y);

    // we can use `x` to diverge


There are several key motivators for adding !, despite the existence of empty types in the language already.

It creates a standard empty type for use throughout Rust code

Empty types are useful for more than just marking functions as diverging. When used in an enum variant they prevent the variant from ever being instantiated. One major use case for this is if a method needs to return a Result<T, E> to satisfy a trait but we know that the method will always succeed.

For example, here's a possible implementation of FromStr for String than currently exists in libstd.

fn main() {
impl FromStr for String {
    type Err = !;

    fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<String, !> {

This result can then be safely unwrapped to a String without using code-smelly things like unreachable!() which often mask bugs in code.

fn main() {
let r: Result<String, !> = FromStr::from_str("hello");
let s = match r {
    Ok(s)   => s,
    Err(e)  => match e {},

The Try trait family is written with never type in mind, and currently relies on the enum Infallible {} defined in libcore as a substitute.

Empty types can also be used when someone needs a dummy type to implement a trait. Because ! can be converted to any other type it has a trivial implementation of any trait whose only associated items are non-static methods. The impl simply matches on self for every method.


fn main() {
trait ToSocketAddr {
    fn to_socket_addr(&self) -> IoResult<SocketAddr>;
    fn to_socket_addr_all(&self) -> IoResult<Vec<SocketAddr>>;

impl ToSocketAddr for ! {
    fn to_socket_addr(&self) -> IoResult<SocketAddr> {
        match self {}

    fn to_socket_addr_all(&self) -> IoResult<Vec<SocketAddr>> {
        match self {}

All possible implementations of this trait for ! are equivalent. This is because any two functions that take a ! argument and return the same type are equivalent - they return the same result for the same arguments and have the same effects (because they are uncallable).

Suppose someone wants to call fn foo<T: SomeTrait>(arg: Option<T>) with None. They need to choose a type for T so they can pass None::<T> as the argument. However there may be no sensible default type to use for T or, worse, they may not have any types at their disposal that implement SomeTrait. As the user in this case is only using None, a sensible choice for T would be a type such that Option<T> can ony be None, i.e. it would be nice to use !.

While the trait author or user could define their own empty type and implement the trait themselves, it is useful to avoid the hassle of needing to import the appropriate type in order to specify it in cases like this.

Better dead code detection

Consider the following code:

fn main() {
let t = std::thread::spawn(|| panic!("nope"));

Under this RFC: the closure body gets typed ! instead of (), the unwrap() gets typed !, and the println! will raise a dead code warning. This requires a canonical empty type to fallback to for the type of expressions like panic!().

To be clear, ! has a meaning in any situation that any other type does. A ! function argument makes a function uncallable, a Vec<!> is a vector that can never contain an element, a ! enum variant makes the variant guaranteed never to occur and so forth. It might seem pointless to use a ! function argument or a Vec<!>, but that's no reason to disallow it. And generic code sometimes requires it.

It's also worth noting that the ! proposed here is not the bottom type that used to exist in Rust in the very early days. Making ! a subtype of all types would greatly complicate things as it would require, for example, Vec<!> be a subtype of Vec<T>. This ! is simply an empty type (albeit one that can be cast to any other type).

Reference-level explanation

Add a new primitive type ! to Rust. ! behaves like an empty enum except that it can be implicitly cast to any other type. For example, code like the following is acceptable:

fn main() {
let r: Result<i32, !> = Ok(23);
let i = match r {
    Ok(i)   => i,
    Err(e)  => e, // e is cast to i32

We also adjust the type inference algorithm used by rustc to fallback to ! rather than () when an inference variable ends up unconstrained. This change is motivated by the desire to provide a better experience for Rust users since expressions typed at ! can be coerced into other types. If we avoid making this change, we have to specify that expressions like loop {} and panic!() continue to "return" (), which seems obviously wrong.

Adjusting type inference to fallback to ! also helps set us on a path towards removing some of the fallback and requiring explicit types in the future, as we can be more confident that the code involved is somewhat faulty.

Ensuring soundness

However, this change to fallback is not generally sound in the presence of unsafe code that is present in the wild today. The following is a piece of example code that was previously OK, but with the proposed change has undefined behavior. It's a stripped down example -- the code is already unsound in the sense that unconstrained_return must only be called with valid T, but in practice code like this exists and does not cause UB (as it never gets instantiated with an incorrect T) with today's compiler.

fn main() {
fn unconstrained_return<T>() -> Result<T, String> {
    let ffi: fn() -> T = std::mem::transmute(some_pointer);

fn foo() {
    let _a = match unconstrained_return::<_>() {
        Ok(a) => a,
        Err(s) => panic!("failed to run"),

The match here has type ?M and the two arms have types ?T and !, as panic! has type ! with these changes. ?T here is effectively unconstrained, so it falls back to ! with the proposed change to type inference. As a result, unconstrained_return's call to ffi() has a return type of !, which means that the compiler is free to assume that the function does not return. Since ffi() in practice does return, this leads to UB.

So we cannot simply change fallback in all cases.

We propose an algorithm which indicates whether it is safe to fallback to !.

For each inference variable still present during fallback (i.e. those which are unconstrained), we look at the relationships between these inference variables to determine whether to keep the fallback to () or fallback to !.

We construct a directed graph where the vertices are inference variables, and add edges ?A -> ?B if ?A is coerced into ?B.

Let D be the set of type variables ?X which were created as a result of the coercion of ! -> ?X being proposed. These can arise from functions returning ! or loop {} expressions, which can coerce into any type.

For each type variable ?T, we fallback to:

  • ! if the variable is dominated in the graph by the set D (that is, there is no path from a non-diverging type variable to it).
  • () otherwise.

The intuition here is that variables reachable only from diverging type variables must be in dead code, but if they are also reachable from some non-diverging type variable, they may be in live code, and so fallback to ! is unsound.

Avoiding regressions

The proposed graph is sufficient for soundness, but unfortunately is insufficient to avoid a good number of regressions. We add an additional heuristic that mitigates most of the remaining breakage (~100 crates per Crater), leaving ~25 regressions.

This heuristic adds another case of fallback of ?T to () when we encounter the following:

  • ?T: Foo and
  • Bar::Baz = ?T and
  • (): Foo

This pattern is commonly encountered in code which constrains the return type of some closure, and where closure instances frequently contain panic!(). With the previously proposed fallback, there is no additional constraint on ?T (it's not flowing into any other inference variables), so it is reasonable for it to fallback to !. However, in practice, that causes breakage, as the closure's return type is restricted to Bar, which is only implemented for () (and u32).

// Crate A:
pub trait Bar { }
impl Bar for () {  }
impl Bar for u32 {  }

pub fn foo<R: Bar>(_: impl Fn() -> R) {}

// Crate B:
fn main() {
    foo(|| panic!());


Leave Infallible as the standard empty type

We could abandon the effort to stabilize ! as a dedicated return type, instead leaving the currently existing Infallible as the standard empty type. There are several downsides to this:

  • Users need to learn two different canonical names (! if standalone in a function return types and Infallible for other places)
  • Infallible is either special-cased to coerce to other types or users need to write match foo {} to get that behavior.

Edition-based fallback?

We considered whether the fallback algorithm could be adjusted over an edition boundary to permit stabilizing never type. In practice, this doesn't work because the never type is a vocabulary type and so is present in the public API of various crates (including core/std, after stabilization).

This means that while the fallback within a library might be edition-dependent, we'd still need to stabilize full use of ! across all editions. That basically puts prior editions on the same grounds as just stabilizing !, which is known to introduce regressions.

Generally it seems pretty clear that stabilizing never type (or fallback changes) only on a subset of editions would lead to a more challenging landscape for Rust users. For example, as we've seen, fallback has implications for soundness, so we'd still need all of the complexity in the fallback algorithm in order to prevent cases like the one described above -- this seems to just make things more complicated, rather than improving them.

Future work

Removing (parts of) fallback

We can consider removing some of the cases of fallback, particularly those which cause problems for this RFC, in the future. There were several examples encountered in Crater and elsewhere that required effort to deduce the inferred type. Additionally, we believe that it's likely that cases of fallback to () in new code are likely better written in other ways and we may wish to force the user to indicate a type rather than silently providing one that may cause trouble or hurt diagnostic quality.

We can leverage editions to remove parts of fallback. Unlike the phase-in of never type fallback, removing fallback only prevents code from compiling and does not change the behavior of existing code. This is fairly standard for cross-edition changes, and so is much more straightforward to design.

However, this RFC does not propose a particular path towards removing/improving our fallback algorithms, beyond noting that it may be advantageous to do so. If we do so, we can likely end up avoiding the more complex fallback algorithm proposed by this RFC being a permanent feature of future Rust editions.

Special casing trait impls for !

! is useful as a standard marker inside types which may derive various traits. Implementing a trait for ! is frequently fairly annoying, as you need to write out many functions which are largely inconsequential as they can never run (if they have a self parameter).

For now, the expectation is that library authors will want to add manual impls for standard traits (including in the standard library), but a future extension could let users write (potentially) overlapping trait impls for ! so long as the body of the trait is "obviously equivalent" as the methods can't be called.

Unresolved questions

  • Pending (needs review of the above)