This discusses the impact of just stabilizing ! syntax and changing std::convert::Infallible to be an alias for !. (That is, no inference algorithm changes).

Regression: inference failures

This leads to the regression identified in rust-lang/rust#66757.

fn main() {
struct E;

impl From<!> for E {
    fn from(_: !) -> E {

fn foo(never: !) {
    <E as From<!>>::from(never);  // Ok
    <E as From<_>>::from(never);  // Inference fails here

Without changes to type inference fallback, code such as the above with explicit ! type now fails to compile. This happens because with !, unlike with std::convert::Infallible, ! can coerce to any variable. That means that the coercion from ! to _ succeeds, leading to the inference failure here, as there's no constraint placed on the argument.

The coercion to inference variables is in general desirable, because of code like this:

fn main() {
if foo {
    loop {}

if expressions without else currently desugar such that the "block" is typed at an inference variable (later eq'd with ()), so the coercion to an inference variable is necessary to make this work with the current compiler implementation. Further, changing the compiler to avoid this seems relatively hard (FIXME: just how hard?). This regression is prominent enough that it makes fully avoiding inference changes not possible.

Over-eager () fallback

This leads to the painpoint (amongst others) identified in rust-lang/rust#66738. This may also be a regression in some cases if users start more explicitly writing ! in some places, though is not directly one at just stabilization time.

fn magic<R, F: FnOnce() -> R>(f: F) -> F { f }

fn main() {
    let f2 = magic(|| loop {}) as fn() -> !;

The (presumed) expected behavior is that loop {}, having type !, means that the closure above will have a return type of !. However, that's not what actually happens: the closure's return type is set to an inference variable, ?T. Since expressions in the return position are coerced to the return type, we end up with no requirement on the return type's inference variable. (The cast does not participate in inference, generally). This means that the inference variable is unconstrained and so falls back to ().

Note that this behavior is currently relied upon by some libraries. For example, code like this is relatively common, which requires that closures return () or u32. This means that if the fallback doesn't go to (), we will end up with an error.

trait Bar { }
impl Bar for () {  }
impl Bar for u32 {  }

fn foo<R: Bar>(_: impl Fn() -> R) {}

fn main() {
    foo(|| panic!());

Take a snippet from warp 0.1.11:

fn main() {
wr_rx.map_err(|()| {
    unreachable!("mpsc::Receiver doesn't error");
.forward(tx.sink_map_err(|_| ()))
.map(|_| ());

This code fails if the first closure is typed as impl Fn(()) -> !, because forward requires that !: From<()> (i.e., that the error types are compatible). That impl is not currently available, so this code doesn't work out.

This kind of interaction is relatively common, which makes changes to closure return types that "make sense" at an intuitive level actually commonly result in errors.

Unsizing fails due to eager fallback

See rust-lang/rust#49593.

fn main() {
fn foo(x: !) -> Box<dyn std::error::Error> {

This is essentially the same as the previous case, where we have x generate a coercion at the function call site, meaning that we have Box::<?T>::new(...) with no constraints on ?T, which means ?T = () with no fallback changes. Since (): !Error, this fails to compile.