Embedded system consuming general purpose libraries


  • General purpose library defines a trait Trait that use async fn
  • Embedded library can write a function consume that take &mut dyn Trait or &dyn Trait
  • Embedded library can call consume without requiring an allocator
    • It does have to jump through some "reasonable" hoops to specify the strategy for allocating the future, and it may not work for all possible traits
    • Can choose from:
      • pre-allocating storage space on the caller stack frame for resulting futures
      • creating an enum that chooses from all possible futures
  • The (admittedly vaporware) portability lint can help people discover this

Status quo

Grace is working on an embedded system. She needs to parse data from an input stream that is formatted as a series of packets in the format TLA. She finds a library tla on crates.io with a type that implements the async iterator trait:

fn main() {
pub struct TlaParser<Source> { ... }

impl<Source> AsyncIterator for TlaParser<Source> {
    type Item = TlaPacket;
    async fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {

Unfortunately, because async_trait desugars to something which uses Box internally, she can't use it: she's trying to write for a system with no allocator at all!

Note: The actual status quo is that the Stream trait is not available in std, and the one in the futures crate uses a "poll" method which would be usable by embedded code. But we're looking to a future where we use async fn in traits specifically.

Shiny future

Grace is working on an embedded system. She needs to parse data from an input stream that is formatted as a series of packets in the TLA format. She finds a library tla on crates.io with a type that implements the async iterator trait:

fn main() {
pub struct TlaParser<Source> { ... }

impl<Source> AsyncIterator for TlaParser<Source> {
    type Item = TlaPacket;
    async fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {

She has a function that is called from a number of places in the codebase:

fn main() {
fn example_caller() {
    let mut tla_parser = TlaParser::new(SomeSource);
    process_packets(&mut tla_parser);

fn process_packets(parser: &mut impl AsyncIterator<Item = TlaPacket>) {
    while let Some(packet) = parser.next().await {

As she is developing, she finds that process_packets is being monomorphized many times and it's becoming a significant code size problem for her. She decides to change to dyn to avoid that:

fn main() {
fn process_packets(parser: &mut dyn AsyncIterator<Item = TlaPacket>) {
    while let Some(packet) = parser.next().await {

Tackling portability by preallocating

However, now her code no longer builds! She's getting an error from the portability lint: it seems that invoking parser.next() is allocating a box to return the future, and she has specified that she wants to be compatible with "no allocator":

warning: converting this type to a `dyn AsyncIterator` requires an allocator
3 |    process_packets(&mut tla_parser);
  |                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: the `dyner` crate offer various a `PreAsyncIterator` wrapper type that can use stack allocation instead

Following the recommendations of the portability lint, she investigates the rust-lang dyner crate. In there she finds a few adapters she can use to avoid allocating a box. She decides to use the "preallocate" adapter, which preallocates stack space for each of the async functions she might call. To use it, she imports the PreAsyncIterator struct (provided by dyner) and wraps the tla_parser in it. Now she can use dyn without a problem:

fn main() {
use dyner::preallocate::PreAsyncIterator;

fn example_caller() {
    let tla_parser = TlaParser::new(SomeSource);
    let mut tla_parser = PreAsyncIterator::new(tla_parser);
    process_packets(&mut tla_parser);

fn process_packets(parser: &mut dyn AsyncIterator<Item = TlaPacket>) {
    while let Some(packet) = parser.next().await {

Preallocated versions of her own traits

As Grace continues working, she finds that she also needs to use dyn with a trait of her own devising:

fn main() {
trait DispatchItem {
    async fn dispatch_item(&mut self) -> Result<(), DispatchError>;

struct MyAccumulatingDispatcher { }

impl MyAccumulatingDispatcher {
    fn into_result(self) -> MyAccumulatedResult;

fn example_dispatcher() -> String {
    let mut dispatcher = MyAccumulatingDispatcher::new();
    dispatch_things(&mut dispatcher);

async fn dispatch_things(context: Context, dispatcher: &mut dyn DispatchItem) {
    for item in context.items() {

She uses the dyner::preallocate::create_struct macro to create a PreDispatchItem struct she can use for dynamic dispatch:

fn main() {
trait DispatchItem {
    async fn dispatch_item(&mut self) -> Result<(), DispatchError>;

Now she is able to use the same pattern to call dispatch_things. This time she wraps an &mut dispatcher instead of taking ownership of dispatcher. That works just fine since the trait only has an &mut self method. This way she can still call into_result:

fn main() {
fn example_dispatcher() -> MyAccumulatedResult {
    let mut dispatcher = MyDispatcher::new();
    let mut dispatcher = PreDispatchItem::new(&mut dispatcher);
    dispatch_things(&mut dispatcher);

Other strategies

Reading the docs, Grace finds a few other strategies available for dynamic dispatch. They all work the same way: a procedural macro generates a custom wrapper type for the trait that handles custom dispatch cases. Some examples:

  • Choosing from one of a fixed number of alternatives; returning an enum as the future and not a Box<impl Future>.