impl Trait in traits

This effort is part of the impl trait initiative. Some notes are kept here as a summary.



Design notes

Support -> impl Trait (existential impl trait) in traits. Core idea is to desugar such thing into a (possibly generic) associated type:

fn main() {
trait SomeTrait {
    fn foo<(&mut self) -> impl Future<Output = ()> + '_;

// becomes something like:
// Editor's note: The name of the associated type is under debate;
// it may or may not be something user can name, though they should
// have *some* syntax for referring to it.

trait SomeTrait {
    type Foo<'me>: Future<Output = ()> + 'me
        Self: 'me;

    async fn foo(&mut self) -> Self::Foo<'_>;

We also need to support -> impl Trait in impls, in which case the body desugars to a "type alias impl trait":

fn main() {
impl SomeTrait for SomeType {
    fn foo<(&mut self) -> impl Future<Output = ()> + '_ {


// becomes something using "type alias impl Trait", like this:

trait SomeTrait {
    type Foo<'me> = impl Future<Output = ()> + 'me
        Self: 'me;

    fn foo(&mut self) -> Self::Foo<'_> {

Frequently asked questions

What is the name of that GAT we introduce?

  • I called it Bar here, but that's somewhat arbitrary, perhaps we want to have some generic syntax for naming the method?
  • Or for getting the type of the method.
  • This problem applies equally to other "-> impl Trait in trait" scenarios.
  • Exploration doc