
The futures::join macro makes it possible to wait for multiple different futures to complete while executing them all concurrently.


When performing multiple asynchronous operations, it's tempting to simply .await them in a series:

async fn get_book_and_music() -> (Book, Music) { let book = get_book().await; let music = get_music().await; (book, music) }

However, this will be slower than necessary, since it won't start trying to get_music until after get_book has completed. In some other languages, futures are ambiently run to completion, so two operations can be run concurrently by first calling each async fn to start the futures, and then awaiting them both:

// WRONG -- don't do this async fn get_book_and_music() -> (Book, Music) { let book_future = get_book(); let music_future = get_music(); (book_future.await, music_future.await) }

However, Rust futures won't do any work until they're actively .awaited. This means that the two code snippets above will both run book_future and music_future in series rather than running them concurrently. To correctly run the two futures concurrently, use futures::join!:

use futures::join; async fn get_book_and_music() -> (Book, Music) { let book_fut = get_book(); let music_fut = get_music(); join!(book_fut, music_fut) }

The value returned by join! is a tuple containing the output of each Future passed in.


For futures which return Result, consider using try_join! rather than join!. Since join! only completes once all subfutures have completed, it'll continue processing other futures even after one of its subfutures has returned an Err.

Unlike join!, try_join! will complete immediately if one of the subfutures returns an error.

use futures::try_join; async fn get_book() -> Result<Book, String> { /* ... */ Ok(Book) } async fn get_music() -> Result<Music, String> { /* ... */ Ok(Music) } async fn get_book_and_music() -> Result<(Book, Music), String> { let book_fut = get_book(); let music_fut = get_music(); try_join!(book_fut, music_fut) }

Note that the futures passed to try_join! must all have the same error type. Consider using the .map_err(|e| ...) and .err_into() functions from futures::future::TryFutureExt to consolidate the error types:

use futures::{ future::TryFutureExt, try_join, }; async fn get_book() -> Result<Book, ()> { /* ... */ Ok(Book) } async fn get_music() -> Result<Music, String> { /* ... */ Ok(Music) } async fn get_book_and_music() -> Result<(Book, Music), String> { let book_fut = get_book().map_err(|()| "Unable to get book".to_string()); let music_fut = get_music(); try_join!(book_fut, music_fut) }