Concurrency primitives
- concurrent composition of futures
- c.f., sequential composition with await, composition of tasks with spawn
- concurrent/task behaviour
- behaviour on error
- streams as alternative, forward ref
- different versions in different runtimes/other crates
- focus on the Tokio versions
From comment: A framing I've started using is that tasks are not the async/await form of threads; it's more accurate to think of them as parallelizable futures. This framing does not match Tokio and async-std's current task design; but both also have trouble propagating cancellation. See parallel_future and tasks are the wrong abstraction for more.
- Tokio/futures-rs join macro
- c.f., joining tasks
- join in futures-concurrency
- FuturesUnordered
- like a dynamic version of join
- forward ref to stream
- Tokio select macro
- cancellation issues
- different behaviour of futures-rs version
- race in futures-concurrency