WG-Polonius meeting minutes, 2019.03.07

WG-Polonius meeting minutes: 2019/03/07

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The first meeting of the WG Polonius was dedicated to finding concrete next steps, both as part of working on the roadmap, and as onboarding @albins into the group. Since Albin will do a masters related to Polonius, we also worked out other areas they could tackle as time progressed.

Ultimately, a good starter issue was found in creating a new Polonius “hybrid” variant, bridging the location insensitive and complete analyses: a realistic way for rustc to use Polonius.

We then described a possible follow-up task, focusing on Polonius completeness: incorporating rustc’s move/overwrite analysis, in a way similar to how it was done in Lark.

We also spent time talking about next steps in documentation, whether in talks (Niko) or written docs (Rémy).

Possible talks:

  • a walkthrough of a more complex theoretical example.
  • a more practical walkthrough with a focus on the concrete parts of the Polonius computation: interfacing with rustc and transferring data, computing the analysis’ datalog rules, how datafrog works, etc.

Following those, we also mentioned a longer term task: the more complicated analysis handling higher-ranked regions described in this blog post.

The final points were more about cross-cutting concerns applicable to all WGs: how would Github permissions work, and setting up the polonius and datafrog crates and repositories to follow the soon-to-be finalized “crate conformance policy”.

The major next steps we decided on were: