Field Projections

Point of contactBenno Lossin
Task owners
StatusNot accepted
Zulip channelN/A


Finalize the Field Projections RFC and implement it for use in nightly.


Rust programs often make use of custom pointer/reference types (for example Arc<T>) instead of using plain references. In addition, container types are used to add or remove invariants on objects (for example MaybeUninit<T>). These types have significantly worse ergonomics when trying to operate on fields of the contained types compared to references.

The status quo

Field projections are a unifying solution to several problems:

  • pin projections,
  • ergonomic pointer-to-field access operations for pointer-types (*const T, &mut MaybeUninit<T>, NonNull<T>, &UnsafeCell<T>, etc.),
  • projecting custom references and container types.

Pin projections have been a constant pain point and this feature solves them elegantly while at the same time solving a much broader problem space. For example, field projections enable the ergonomic use of NonNull<T> over *mut T for accessing fields.

In the following sections, we will cover the basic usage first. And then we will go over the most complex version that is required for pin projections as well as allowing custom projections such as the abstraction for RCU from the Rust for Linux project.

Ergonomic Pointer-to-Field Operations

We will use the struct from the RFC's summary as a simple example:

fn main() {
struct Foo {
    bar: i32,

References and raw pointers already possess pointer-to-field operations. Given a variable foo: &T one can write & to obtain a &i32 pointing to the field bar of Foo. The same can be done for foo: *const T: &raw (*foo).bar (although this operation is unsafe) and their mutable versions.

However, the other pointer-like types such as NonNull<T>, &mut MaybeUninit<T> and &UnsafeCell<T> don't natively support this operation. Of course one can write:

fn main() {
unsafe fn project(foo: NonNull<Foo>) -> NonNull<i32> {
    let foo = foo.as_ptr();
    unsafe { NonNull::new_unchecked(&raw mut (*foo).bar) }

But this is very annoying to use in practice, since the code depends on the name of the field and can thus not be written using a single generic function. For this reason, many people use raw pointers even though NonNull<T> would be more fitting. The same can be said about &mut MaybeUninit<T>.

Field projection adds a new operator that allows types to provide operations generic over the fields of structs. For example, one can use the field projections on MaybeUninit<T> to safely initialize Foo:

fn main() {
impl Foo {
    fn initialize(this: &mut MaybeUninit<Self>) {
        let bar: &mut MaybeUninit<i32> = this->bar;

There are a lot of types that can benefit from this operation:

  • NonNull<T>
  • *const T, *mut T
  • &T, &mut T
  • &Cell<T>, &UnsafeCell<T>
  • &mut MaybeUninit<T>, *mut MaybeUninit<T>
  • cell::Ref<'_, T>, cell::RefMut<'_, T>
  • MappedMutexGuard<T>, MappedRwLockReadGuard<T> and MappedRwLockWriteGuard<T>

Pin Projections

The examples from the previous section are very simple, since they all follow the pattern C<T> -> C<F> where C is the respective generic container type and F is a field of T.

In order to handle Pin<&mut T>, the return type of the field projection operator needs to depend on the field itself. This is needed in order to be able to project structurally pinned fields from Pin<&mut T> to Pin<&mut F1> while simultaneously projecting not structurally pinned fields from Pin<&mut T> to &mut F2.

Fields marked with #[pin] are structurally pinned field. For example, consider the following future:

fn main() {
struct FairRaceFuture<F1, F2> {
    fut1: F1,
    fut2: F2,
    fair: bool,

One can utilize the following projections when given fut: Pin<&mut FairRaceFuture<F1, F2>>:

  • fut->fut1: Pin<&mut F1>
  • fut->fut2: Pin<&mut F2>
  • fut->fair: &mut bool

Using these, one can concisely implement Future for FairRaceFuture:

fn main() {
impl<F1: Future, F2: Future<Output = F1::Output>> Future for FairRaceFuture<F1, F2> {
    type Output = F1::Output;

    fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, ctx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
        let fair: &mut bool = self->fair;
        *fair = !*fair;
        if *fair {
            // self->fut1: Pin<&mut F1>
            match self->fut1.poll(ctx) {
                Poll::Pending => self->fut2.poll(ctx),
                Poll::Ready(res) => Poll::Ready(res),
        } else {
            // self->fut2: Pin<&mut F2>
            match self->fut2.poll(ctx) {
                Poll::Pending => self->fut1.poll(ctx),
                Poll::Ready(res) => Poll::Ready(res),

Without field projection, one would either have to use unsafe or reach for a third party library like pin-project or pin-project-lite and then use the provided project function.

The next 6 months

Finish and accept the Field Projections RFC

Solve big design questions using lang design meetings:

  • figure out the best design for field traits,
  • determine if unsafe field projections should exist,
  • settle on a design for the Project trait,
  • add support for simultaneous projections.

Bikeshed/solve smaller issues:

  • projection operator syntax,
  • should naming field types have a native syntax?
  • naming of the different types and traits,
  • discuss which stdlib types should have field projection.

Implement the RFC and Experiment

  • implement all of the various details from the RFC
  • experiment with field projections in the wild
  • iterate over the design using this experimentation

The "shiny future" we are working towards

The ultimate goal is to have ergonomic field projections available in stable rust. Using it should feel similar to using field access today.

Ownership and team asks

Owner: Benno Lossin

TaskOwner(s) or team(s)Notes
Design meetingTeam lang
RFC decisionTeam lang
ImplementationHelp wanted, Benno Lossin
Standard reviewsTeam compiler


Definitions for terms used above:

  • Discussion and moral support is the lowest level offering, basically committing the team to nothing but good vibes and general support for this endeavor.
  • Author RFC and Implementation means actually writing the code, document, whatever.
  • Design meeting means holding a synchronous meeting to review a proposal and provide feedback (no decision expected).
  • RFC decisions means reviewing an RFC and deciding whether to accept.
  • Org decisions means reaching a decision on an organizational or policy matter.
  • Secondary review of an RFC means that the team is "tangentially" involved in the RFC and should be expected to briefly review.
  • Stabilizations means reviewing a stabilization and report and deciding whether to stabilize.
  • Standard reviews refers to reviews for PRs against the repository; these PRs are not expected to be unduly large or complicated.
  • Prioritized nominations refers to prioritized lang-team response to nominated issues, with the expectation that there will be some response from the next weekly triage meeting.
  • Dedicated review means identifying an individual (or group of individuals) who will review the changes, as they're expected to require significant context.
  • Other kinds of decisions:
    • Lang team experiments are used to add nightly features that do not yet have an RFC. They are limited to trusted contributors and are used to resolve design details such that an RFC can be written.
    • Compiler Major Change Proposal (MCP) is used to propose a 'larger than average' change and get feedback from the compiler team.
    • Library API Change Proposal (ACP) describes a change to the standard library.

Frequently asked questions

What do I do with this space?

This is a good place to elaborate on your reasoning above -- for example, why did you put the design axioms in the order that you did? It's also a good place to put the answers to any questions that come up during discussion. The expectation is that this FAQ section will grow as the goal is discussed and eventually should contain a complete summary of the points raised along the way.