Goal motivations

The motivation section for a goal should sell the reader on why this is an important problem to address.

The first paragraph should begin with a concise summary of the high-level goal and why it's important. This is a kind of summary that helps the reader to get oriented.

The status quo section then goes into deeper detail on the problem and how things work today. It should answer the following questions

  • Who is the target audience? Is it a particular group of Rust users, such as those working in a specific domain? Contributors?
  • What do these users do now when they have this problem, and what are the shortcomings of that?

The next few steps can explain how you plan to change that and why these are the right next steps to take.

Finally, the shiny future section can put the goal into a longer term context. It's ok if the goal doesn't have a shiny future beyond the next few steps.