Call for proposals

Each goal milestone corresponds to six months, designated in the format YYYYhN, e.g., 2024h2 or 2025h1. To launch a new goal season, you should get started a couple of months before the new season starts:

  • For an H1 season, start around mid October of the year before.
  • For an H2 season, start around mid April of the year before.

This is the checklist of steps to starting accepting goal proposals:

  • Prepare a Call For Proposals blog post on the Inside Rust blog based on this sample.
    • We use Inside Rust and not the Main blog because the target audience is would-be Rust contributors and maintainers.
  • Update the main README page to indicate that the next round of goals is begin accepted.
  • Create a new directory src/YYYYhN, e.g., src/2025h1, with the following files. Note that the sample files below include <!-- XXX --> directives that are detected by the mdbook plugin and replaced with appropriate content automatically.
  • Modify to include your new milestone with some text like what is shown below.

Sample comments from 2025H1:

# ⏳ 2025H1 goal process

- [Overview](./2025h1/
- [Proposed goals](./2025h1/
- [Goals not accepted](./2025h1/

Receiving PRs

to be written