Incremental compilation
Testing for regressions with incremental compilation may require running a command multiple times. The following illustrates an example for #87384 which only generates a warning the second time a build is run with incremental. Previously no warning was emitted.
#![type_length_limit = "95595489"] pub fn main() { println!("Hello, world!"); }
Create a script
# Exit if any command fails.
set -e
rm -rf incremental
rustc --crate-type lib -C incremental=incremental
echo second
OUTPUT=`rustc --crate-type lib -C incremental=incremental 2>&1`
echo $OUTPUT
! echo "$OUTPUT" | grep \
"crate-level attribute should be in the root module"
Run this script with:
cargo-bisect-rustc --start 1.54.0 --end 1.55.0 --script ./