
TimeSee in your time zone
Calendar event (with Zoom details)link
Social hour calendar event (with Zoom details)link


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We're going to try something a bit different this time! The agenda is going to focus on Rust interest groups and domain working groups, those brave explorers who are trying to put Rust to use on all kinds of interesting domains. Rather than having fixed presentations, we're going to have a panel discussion with representatives from a number of Rust interest groups and domain groups, led by AngelOnFira. The idea is to open a channel for communication about how to have more active communication and feedback between interest groups and the Rust teams (in both directions).

Social hour

Like last time, we are going to try an experimenatal social hour after the CTCFT. The idea is really simple: for the hour after the meeting, we will create breakout rooms in Zoom with different themes. You can join any breakout room you like and hangout.