
TimeSee in your time zone
Calendar event (with Zoom details)link
Social hour calendar event (with Zoom details)link


For this month's CTCFT meeting, the theme is "planning for 2022". We'll hear about the results of the 2021 Rust survey, and updates happening in the Async Working Group and the Compiler Team.

  • (5 min) Opening remarks 👋 (angelonfira)
  • (20 min) Rust 2021 Survey Results (nrc)
    • Nick will summarise the results of the survey, highlight findings which might be of interest to Rust teams, and outline how teams can request more in-depth analysis.
  • (20 min) Compiler team ambitions (pnkfelix, wesleywiser)
  • (5 min) Closing (angelonfira)

Social hour

Like always, we'll be running a social hour after the CTCFT. The idea is really simple: for the hour after the meeting, we will create breakout rooms in Zoom with different themes. You can join any breakout room you like and hangout.