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Calendar event (with Zoom details)link
Social hour calendar event (with Zoom details)link


This meeting we've invited some of the people working to integrate Rust into the Linux kernel to come and speak. We've asked them to give us a feel for how the integration works and help identify those places where the experience is rough. The expectation is that we can use this feedback as an input when deciding what work to pursue and what features to prioritize for stabilization.

  • (5 min) Opening remarks 👋 (nikomatsakis)
  • (40 min) Rust for Linux (ojeda, alex, wedsonaf) slides
    • The Rust for Linux project is adding Rust support to the Linux kernel. While it is still the early days, there are some areas of the Rust language, library, and tooling where the Rust project might be able to help out - for instance, via stabilization of features, suggesting ways to tackle particular problems, and more. This talk will walk through the issues found, along with examples where applicable.
  • (5 min) Closing (nikomatsakis)

Social hour

Like always, we'll be running a social hour after the CTCFT. The idea is really simple: for the hour after the meeting, we will create breakout rooms in Zoom with different themes. You can join any breakout room you like and hangout.