• Start Date: 2014-07-16
  • RFC PR #: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/390
  • Rust Issue #: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/18478


The variants of an enum are currently defined in the same namespace as the enum itself. This RFC proposes to define variants under the enum’s namespace.


In the rest of this RFC, flat enums will be used to refer to the current enum behavior, and namespaced enums will be used to refer to the proposed enum behavior.


Simply put, flat enums are the wrong behavior. They’re inconsistent with the rest of the language and harder to work with.


Some people prefer flat enums while others prefer namespaced enums. It is trivial to emulate flat enums with namespaced enums:

pub use MyEnum::*; pub enum MyEnum { Foo, Bar, }

On the other hand, it is impossible to emulate namespaced enums with the current enum system. It would have to look something like this:

pub enum MyEnum { Foo, Bar, } pub mod MyEnum { pub use super::{Foo, Bar}; }

However, it is now forbidden to have a type and module with the same name in the same namespace. This workaround was one of the rationales for the rejection of the enum mod proposal previously.

Many of the variants in Rust code today are already effectively namespaced, by manual name mangling. As an extreme example, consider the enums in syntax::ast:

pub enum Item_ { ItemStatic(...), ItemFn(...), ItemMod(...), ItemForeignMod(...), ... } pub enum Expr_ { ExprBox(...), ExprVec(...), ExprCall(...), ... } ...

These long names are unavoidable as all variants of the 47 enums in the ast module are forced into the same namespace.

Going without name mangling is a risky move. Sometimes variants have to be inconsistently mangled, as in the case of IoErrorKind. All variants are un-mangled (e.g, EndOfFile or ConnectionRefused) except for one, OtherIoError. Presumably, Other would be too confusing in isolation. One also runs the risk of running into collisions as the library grows.


Flat enums are inconsistent with the rest of the language. Consider the set of items. Some don’t have their own names, such as extern {} blocks, so items declared inside of them have no place to go but the enclosing namespace. Some items do not declare any “sub-names”, like struct definitions or statics. Consider all other items, and how sub-names are accessed:

mod foo { fn bar() {} } foo::bar()
trait Foo { type T; fn bar(); } Foo::T Foo::bar()
impl Foo { fn bar() {} fn baz(&self) {} } Foo::bar() Foo::baz(a_foo) // with UFCS
enum Foo { Bar, } Bar // ??

Enums are the odd one out.

Current Rustdoc output reflects this inconsistency. Pages in Rustdoc map to namespaces. The documentation page for a module contains all names defined in its namespace - structs, typedefs, free functions, reexports, statics, enums, but not variants. Those are placed on the enum’s own page, next to the enum’s inherent methods which are placed in the enum’s namespace. In addition, search results incorrectly display a path for variant results that contains the enum itself, such as std::option::Option::None. These issues can of course be fixed, but that will require adding more special cases to work around the inconsistent behavior of enums.


This inconsistency makes it harder to work with enums compared to other items.

There are two competing forces affecting the design of libraries. On one hand, the author wants to limit the size of individual files by breaking the crate up into multiple modules. On the other hand, the author does not necessarily want to expose that module structure to consumers of the library, as overly deep namespace hierarchies are hard to work with. A common solution is to use private modules with public reexports:

// lib.rs pub use inner_stuff::{MyType, MyTrait}; mod inner_stuff; // a lot of code
// inner_stuff.rs pub struct MyType { ... } pub trait MyTrait { ... } // a lot of code

This strategy does not work for flat enums in general. It is not all that uncommon for an enum to have many variants - for example, take rust-postgres’s SqlState enum, which contains 232 variants. It would be ridiculous to pub use all of them! With namespaced enums, this kind of reexport becomes a simple pub use of the enum itself.

Sometimes a developer wants to use many variants of an enum in an “unqualified” manner, without qualification by the containing module (with flat enums) or enum (with namespaced enums). This is especially common for private, internal enums within a crate. With flat enums, this is trivial within the module in which the enum is defined, but very painful anywhere else, as it requires each variant to be used individually, which can get extremely verbose. For example, take this from rust-postgres:

use message::{AuthenticationCleartextPassword, AuthenticationGSS, AuthenticationKerberosV5, AuthenticationMD5Password, AuthenticationOk, AuthenticationSCMCredential, AuthenticationSSPI, BackendKeyData, BackendMessage, BindComplete, CommandComplete, CopyInResponse, DataRow, EmptyQueryResponse, ErrorResponse, NoData, NoticeResponse, NotificationResponse, ParameterDescription, ParameterStatus, ParseComplete, PortalSuspended, ReadyForQuery, RowDescription, RowDescriptionEntry}; use message::{Bind, CancelRequest, Close, CopyData, CopyDone, CopyFail, Describe, Execute, FrontendMessage, Parse, PasswordMessage, Query, StartupMessage, Sync, Terminate}; use message::{WriteMessage, ReadMessage};

A glob import can’t be used because it would pull in other, unwanted names from the message module. With namespaced enums, this becomes far simpler:

use messages::BackendMessage::*; use messages::FrontendMessage::*; use messages::{FrontendMessage, BackendMessage, WriteMessage, ReadMessage};

Detailed design

The compiler’s resolve stage will be altered to place the value and type definitions for variants in their enum’s module, just as methods of inherent impls are. Variants will be handled differently than those methods are, however. Methods cannot currently be directly imported via use, while variants will be. The determination of importability currently happens at the module level. This logic will be adjusted to move that determination to the definition level. Specifically, each definition will track its “importability”, just as it currently tracks its “publicness”. All definitions will be importable except for methods in implementations and trait declarations.

The implementation will happen in two stages. In the first stage, resolve will be altered as described above. However, variants will be defined in both the flat namespace and nested namespace. This is necessary t keep the compiler bootstrapping.

After a new stage 0 snapshot, the standard library will be ported and resolve will be updated to remove variant definitions in the flat namespace. This will happen as one atomic PR to keep the implementation phase as compressed as possible. In addition, if unforeseen problems arise during this set of work, we can roll back the initial commit and put the change off until after 1.0, with only a small pre-1.0 change required. This initial conversion will focus on making the minimal set of changes required to port the compiler and standard libraries by reexporting variants in the old location. Later work can alter the APIs to take advantage of the new definition locations.

Library changes

Library authors can use reexports to take advantage of enum namespacing without causing too much downstream breakage:

pub enum Item { ItemStruct(Foo), ItemStatic(Bar), }

can be transformed to

pub use Item::Struct as ItemStruct; pub use Item::Static as ItemStatic; pub enum Item { Struct(Foo), Static(Bar), }

To simply keep existing code compiling, a glob reexport will suffice:

pub use Item::*; pub enum Item { ItemStruct(Foo), ItemStatic(Bar), }

Once RFC #385 is implemented, it will be possible to write a syntax extension that will automatically generate the reexport:

#[flatten] pub enum Item { ItemStruct(Foo), ItemStatic(Bar), }


The transition period will cause enormous breakage in downstream code. It is also a fairly large change to make to resolve, which is already a bit fragile.


We can implement enum namespacing after 1.0 by adding a “fallback” case to resolve, where variants can be referenced from their “flat” definition location if no other definition would conflict in that namespace. In the grand scheme of hacks to preserve backwards compatibility, this is not that bad, but still decidedly worse than not having to worry about fallback at all.

Earlier iterations of namespaced enum proposals suggested preserving flat enums and adding enum mod syntax for namespaced enums. However, variant namespacing isn’t a large enough enough difference for the addition of a second way to define enums to hold its own weight as a language feature. In addition, it would simply cause confusion, as library authors need to decide which one they want to use, and library consumers need to double check which place they can import variants from.

Unresolved questions

A recent change placed enum variants in the type as well as the value namespace to allow for future language expansion. This broke some code that looked like this:

pub enum MyEnum { Foo(Foo), Bar(Bar), } pub struct Foo { ... } pub struct Bar { ... }

Is it possible to make such a declaration legal in a world with namespaced enums? The variants Foo and Bar would no longer clash with the structs Foo and Bar, from the perspective of a consumer of this API, but the variant declarations Foo(Foo) and Bar(Bar) are ambiguous, since the Foo and Bar structs will be in scope inside of the MyEnum declaration.