
Add a [lints] table to Cargo.toml to configure reporting levels for rustc and other tool lints.


Currently, you can configure lints through

  • #[<level>(<lint>)] or #![<level>(<lint>)], like #[forbid(unsafe_code)]
    • But this doesn’t scale up with additional targets (benches, examples, tests) or workspaces
  • On the command line, like cargo clippy -- --forbid unsafe_code
    • This puts the burden on the caller
  • Through RUSTFLAGS, like RUSTFLAGS=--forbid=unsafe_code cargo clippy
    • This puts the burden on the caller
  • In .cargo/config.toml’s target.*.rustflags

We would like a solution that makes it easier to share across targets and packages for all tools.

See also

Guide-level explanation

A new lints table would be added to configure lints:

unsafe_code = "forbid"

and cargo would pass these along as flags to rustc, clippy, or other lint tools.

This would work with RFC 2906 workspace-deduplicate:

workspace = true

unsafe_code = "forbid"

Documentation Updates

The lints section

as a new “Manifest Format” entry

Override the default level of lints from different tools by assigning them to a new level in a table, for example:

unsafe_code = "forbid"

This is short-hand for:

unsafe_code = { level = "forbid", priority = 0 }

level corresponds to the lint levels in rustc:

  • forbid
  • deny
  • warn
  • allow

priority is a signed integer that controls which lints or lint groups override other lint groups:

  • lower (particularly negative) numbers have lower priority, being overridden by higher numbers, and show up first on the command-line to tools like rustc

To know which table under [lints] a particular lint belongs under, it is the part before :: in the lint name. If there isn’t a ::, then the tool is rust. For example a warning about unsafe_code would be lints.rust.unsafe_code but a lint about clippy::enum_glob_use would be lints.clippy.enum_glob_use.

The lints table

as a new [workspace] entry

The workspace.lints table is where you define lint configuration to be inherited by members of a workspace.

Specifying a workspace lint configuration is similar to package lints.


# [PROJECT_DIR]/Cargo.toml
members = ["crates/*"]

unsafe_code = "forbid"
# [PROJECT_DIR]/crates/bar/Cargo.toml
name = "bar"
version = "0.1.0"

workspace = true

Reference-level explanation

When parsing a manifest, cargo will resolve workspace inheritance for lints.workspace = true as it does with basic fields, when workspace is present, no other fields are allowed to be present. This precludes having the package override the workspace on a lint-by-lint basis.

cargo will contain a mapping of tool to underlying command (e.g. rust to rustc, clippy to rustc when clippy is the driver, rustdoc to rustdoc). When running the underlying command for the specified package, cargo will:

  1. Transform the lints from tool.lint = level to --level tool::lint
  • Leaving off the tool:: when it is rust
  • cargo will error if lint contains :: as the first part is assumed to be a tool and it should be listed in that tool’s table
  1. Sort them by priority and then an unspecified order within priority that we may change in the future.
  • On initial release, the sort will likely be reverse alphabetical which would cause all to be last, making it unlikely to do what the user wants which would raise awareness of the need for setting priority for all groups.
  1. Pass them on the command line before other configuration like RUSTFLAGS, allowing user configuration to override package configuration.
  • These flags will be fingerprinted so changing them will cause a rebuild only for the commands where they are used. By only including the lints for the command in question, we reduce what is fingerprinted, reducing what gets rebuilt when [lints] is changed.

Note that this means that [lints] is only applied to the package where its defined and not to its dependencies, local or not. This avoids having to unify [lints] tables across local packages. Normally, lints for non-local dependencies won’t be shown anyways because of --cap-lints. As for local dependencies, they will likely have their own [lints] table, most the same one, inherited from the workspace.

Initially, the only supported tools will be:

  • rust
  • clippy
  • rustdoc

The reason for rust existing, despite lints not being prefixed with rust::, is to avoid ambiguity in the data model between lint.<lint> and lint.<tool>.<lint>. A downside to naming the tool rust is it might be confusing if we ever expose rustc:: lints.

Addition of third-party tools would fall under their attributes for tools.

Note: This reserves the tool name workspace to allow workspace inheritance.


Since [lints] only affects the associated package, and not dependencies, it will not work with future-incompat lints that are meant to be applied to dependencies. This may cause some user confusion.

There has been some user/IDE confusion about running commands like rustfmt directly and expecting them to pick up configuration only associated with their higher-level cargo-plugins despite that configuration (like package.edition) being cargo-specific. By baking the configured lint levels for rustc, rustdoc, and clippy directly into cargo, we will be seeing more of this. A hope is that this will actually improve with this RFC. Over time, tools will need to switch to the model of running cargo to get configuration in response to this RFC. As for users, if a tool’s primary configuration is in Cargo.toml, that will provide a strong coupling with cargo in users minds as compared to using an external configuration file and overlooking the one or two fields read from Cargo.toml.

As this focuses on lints, this leaves out first-party tools that need configuration but aren’t linters, namely rustfmt, leading to an inconsistent experience if clippy.toml goes away in the future (if we act on the future possibility of supporting linter configuration)

A concern brought up in rust-lang/rust-clippy#1313 was that this will pass lints unconditionally to the underlying tool, leading to “undefined lint” warnings when used on earlier versions, requiring that warning to also be suppressed, reducing its value. However, in the “Future possibilities” section, we mention direct support for tying lints to rust versions.

This does not allow sharing lints across workspaces.

Rationale and alternatives

When designing this, we wanted to keep in mind how things work today, including

  • clippy defines all configuration as linter/tool config and not lint config (linter/lint config is a future possibility)
  • All clippy lint groups are disjoint
  • rustdoc has no plans for groups outside of all
  • rustc today has some intersecting groups

However, we also need to consider how decisions might limit us in the future and whether we want to bind future decisions with this RFC, including

  • Whether existing decisions will be revisited
  • When new tools are added, like cargo and cargo-semver-check, which haven’t had lint levels and configuration long enough (or at all) to explore their problem and design space.


This could be left to clippy.toml but that leaves rustc, rustdoc, and future linters without a solution.

[lints] could be [package.lints], tying it to the package unlike [patch] and other fields that are more workspace related. Instead, we used [dependencies] as our model.

[lints] could be [lint] but we decided to follow the precedence of [dependencies].


In evaluating prior art, we saw two major styles for configuring lint levels:


warn = [
  { lint = "rust_2018_idioms", priority = -1 },
  { lint = "clippy::all", priority = -1 },
deny = [

Inspired by ESLint-style:

rust_2018_idioms = { level = "warn", priority = -1}

unsafe_code = "deny"

all = { level = "warn", priority = -1 }

await_holding_lock = "warn"
char_lit_as_u8 = "warn"
checked_conversions = "warn"
  • More akin to eslint

In a lot of areas, which to choose comes down to personal preference and what people are comfortable with:

  • If you want to lookup everything for a level, Python-style works better
  • If you want to look up the level for a lint, ESLint-style works better
  • Python-style is more succinct
  • Python-style has fewer jagged edges

We ended up favoring more of the ESLint-style because:

  • ESLint-style offers more syntax choices for lint config (inline tables, standard tables, dotted keys). In general, the TOML experience for deeply nested inline structures is not great.
    • Right now, the only other lint field beside level is priority. In the future we may add lint configuration. While we shouldn’t exclusively design for this possibility, all things being equal, we shouldn’t make that potential future’s experience worse
  • ESLInt-style makes it easier to visually highlight groups and the lints related to those groups
  • The cargo team has seen support issues that partially arise from a user losing track of which dependencies table they are in because the list of dependencies is large enough to have the header far enough away (or off screen). This can similarly happen with Python-style as the context of the level is in the table header. See EmbarkStudios’s lint list as an example of where this could happen
  • If we add support for packages to override some of the lints inherited from the workspace, it is easier for users to map out this relationship with ESLint-style.

Linter Tables vs Linter Namespaces

We started off with lints being referenced with their tool as a namespace (e.g. "clipp::enum_glob_use") like in diagnostic messages, making copy/paste easy.

However, we switched to a more hierarchical data model (e.g. clippy.enum_glob_use) to avoid quoting keys with the lints.<lint> = <level> schema.

If we add lint/linter config in the future

  • Being more hierarchical means lint and linter config are kept closer to each other, making it easier to evaluate their impact on each other.
  • lints.<lint> = <level> combined with lints.<linter>.metadata makes it harder for cargo to collect all the lints to pass down into the compiler driver.

Lint Precedence

Currently, rustc allows lints to be controlled on the command-line with the last level for a lint winning. They may also be specified as attributes with the last instance winning. cargo adds the RUSTFLAGS environment variable and config.toml entry. On top of this, there are lint groups that act as aliases to sets of lints. These groups may be disjoint, supersets, or they may even intersect.


  • -Aclippy::all -Wclippy::doc_markdown
  • -Dfuture-incompatible -Asemicolon_in_expressions_from_macros

In providing lint-level configuration in Cargo.toml, users will need to be able to set the lint level for group and then override individual lints within that group while interacting with the existing RUSTFLAGS system.

We have chosen Option 6 with priority being in-scope for this RFC and warnings and auto-sorting as a future possibility.

Option 1: Auto-sort

unsafe_code = "deny"
allow_dead_code = "allow"
all = "warn"
  • Unable to handle if two intersecting groups are assigned different levels

Option 2: Ordered keys

all = "warn"
allow_dead_code = "allow"
unsafe_code = "deny"
  • Relies on the order of keys in a TOML table which is undefined
  • Without standard ordering semantics, like with [], users or formatters might naively reformat the table which would affect the semantics

Option 3: Array of tables

# inline table
rust = [
    { lint = "all", level = "warn" },
    { lint = "allow_dead_code", level = "allow" },
    { lint = "unsafe_code", level = "deny" },
# standard table
lint = "all"
level = "warn"
lint = "cyclomatic_complexity"
level = "allow"
  • The syntax for this seems overly verbose
  • Complex, nested structures aren’t the easiest to work with in TOML

Option 4: Compact array of tables

lints = [
    { warn = "all" },
    { allow = "allow_dead_code" },
    { deny = "unsafe_code" },
  • Note: lints.rust = [] wasn’t used as that won’t work with linter configuration in the future
  • Note: Top-level table was changed to avoid lints.rust.lints redundancy and would allow us to open this up to more tools in the future
  • Note: <level> = <lint> (instead of the other way) to keep the keys finite so we can add more fields in the future
  • Mirrors the familiar RUSTFLAGS syntax
  • Complex, nested structures aren’t the easiest to work with in TOML

Option 5: priority field

all = { level = "warn", priority = -1 }
allow_dead_code = "allow"
unsafe_code = "deny"
  • Difficult for the user to figure out there is a problem or how to address it

Option 6: priority field with warnings and maybe auto-sort

all = "warn"
allow_dead_code = "allow"
unsafe_code = "deny"
  • Option 1 (auto-sort) but using Option 5 (priority field) to break ties
  • Produces warnings to tell the user when priority may be needed
  • As priority is a low-level subset, we can start with that as an MVP. Later, we can add warnings for all the ambiguity cases. As we gain confidence in this, we can then add auto-sorting.

Option 7: Explicit groups

all = "warn"
allow_dead_code = "allow"
unsafe_code = "deny"
  • Hard codes knowledge of all
  • Does not solve the intersecting group problem
  • Names aren’t validated as being from a group without duplicating the work needed for Option 1 (auto-sort)

Workspace Inheritance

Instead of using workspace inheritance for [lint], we could make it workspace-level configuration, like [patch] which is automatically applied to all workspace members. However, [patch] and friends are because they affect the resolver / Cargo.toml and so they can only operate at the workspace level. [lints] is more like [dependencies] in being something that applies at the package level but we want shared across workspaces.

Instead of traditional workspace inheritance where there is a single value to inherit with workspace = true, we could have [workspace.lints.<preset>] which defines presets and the user could do lints.<preset> = true. The user could then name them as they wish to avoid collision with rustc lints.


We could possibly extend this new field to rustfmt by shifting the focus from “lints” to “rules” (see eslint). However, the more we generalize this field, the fewer assumptions we can make about it. On one extreme is package.metadata which is so free-form we can’t support it with workspace inheritance. A less extreme example is if we make the configuration too general, we would preclude the option of supporting per-package overrides as we wouldn’t know enough about the shape of the data to know how to merge it. There is likely a middle ground that we could make work but it would take time and experimentation to figure that out which is at odds with trying to maintain a stable file format. Another problem with rules is that it is divorced from any context. In eslint, it is in an eslint-specific config file but a [rules] table is not a clear as a [lints] table as to what role it fulfills.

Target-specific lint

We could support platform or feature specific settings, like with [lints.<target>] or [target.<target>.lints] but

  • There isn’t a defined use case for this yet besides having support for cfg(feature = "clippy") or which does not seem high enough priority to design around.
  • [lints.<target>] runs into ambiguity issues around what is a <target> entry vs a <lint> entry in the [lints] table.
  • We have not yet defined semantics for sharing something like this across a workspace

Prior art




  • eslint
    • Format is lint = level / lint = [ level, additional config ]



  • rubocop
    • Format is Lint: Enabled: true

Unresolved questions

Blocking for stablization

  • Are we still comfortable with our schema choice?
  • Are we still comfortable with our precedence choice?
  • Can we fingerprint only the lints for the tool being run?

Future possibilities

Help the user with priority

When running linters through cargo, we could warn the user when there is ambiguity, including

  • A group and a lint at the same priority
  • A group that is a superset of another group at the same priority
  • Two intersecting groups at the same priority
  • A lint or group that is masked by a group in a later priority

We could then take this a step further and change the way we sort within a priority level to put the most specific entry last, where ambiguity doesn’t exist. This would nearly eliminate the need for specifying priority with the current groups.

We specifically recommend warning, rather than error, so groups can evolve to become intersecting without it being a breaking change.

To implement this, either cargo needs to pass the lints down to the tool in a way to communicate the priority batches, allow cargo to query the group memberships from the linter, or we hard code this at compile-time like rust-analyzer (lints, generate). One thing to keep in mind is the potential for custom tools in the future.

rustc reporting Cargo.toml as lint-level source

Currently Rust tells you where a lint level was enabled when it emits a lint. rustc only sees that these lints are coming in from the command-line and doesn’t know about [lints]. It would be nice if it could also point to Cargo.toml for this. This could be as simple as a --lint-source=Cargo.toml with rustc knowing just enough about the [lints] table to process it directly.

External file

Like with package.license, users might want to refer to an external file for their lints. This especially becomes useful for copy/pasting lints between projects.

Configurable lints

We can extend basic lint syntax:

cyclomatic_complexity = "allow"

to support configuration, whether for cargo or the lint tool:

cyclomatic_complexity = { level = "allow", rust-version = "1.23.0", threshold = 30 }

Where rust-version is used by cargo to determine whether to pass along this lint and threshold is used by the tool. We’d need to define how to distinguish between reserved and unreserved field names.

Tool-wide configuration would be in the lints.<tool>.metadata table and be completely ignored by cargo. For example:

avoid-breaking-exported-api = true

Tools will need cargo metadata to report the lints table so they can read it without re-implementing workspace inheritance.

Note: At this time, there is no lint configuration for clippy, just tool configuration. lints.clippy.cyclomatic_complexity exists for illustrative purposes of what linters could support and is not indicative of any future plans for clippy itself.

Packages overriding inherited lints

Currently, it is a hard error to mix workspace = true and lints. We could open this up in the future for the package to override lints from the workspace. This would not be a breaking change as we’d be changing an error case into a working case. We should consider the possibility of adding configurable lints in the future and what that would look like with overridin of lints.

Extending the syntax to .cargo/config.toml

Similar to profile and patch being in both files, we could support [lints] in both files. This allows more flexibility for experimentation with this feature, like conditionally applying them or applying them via environment variables. For now, users still have the option of using rustflags.

We would need to define whether this only affects local packages as-if the user set it in Cargo.toml or if it also affects dependencies.

In doing so, we would need to define how priority interacts with different sources of [lints].

Cargo Lints

The cargo team has expressed interest in producing warnings for more situations but this requires defining a lint control system for it. The overhead of doing so has detered people from adding additional warnings. This would provide an MVP for controlling cargo lints, unblocking the cargo team from adding more warnings. This just leaves the question of whether these belong more in cargo or in clippy which already has some cargo-specific lints.