
Introduce a table of path “bases” in Cargo configuration files that can be used to prefix the path of path dependencies and patch entries.

This feature will not support declaring path bases in manifest files to avoid additional design complexity, though this may be added in the future.


As a project grows in size, it becomes necessary to split it into smaller sub-projects, architected into layers with well-defined boundaries.

One way to enforce these boundaries is to use different Git repos (aka “multi-repo”). Cargo has good support for multi-repo projects using either git dependencies, or developers can use private registries if they want to explicitly publish code or need to preprocess their sub-projects (e.g., generating code) before they can be consumed.

If all of the code is kept in a single Git repo (aka “mono-repo”), then these boundaries must be enforced a different way: either leveraging tooling during the build to check layering, or requiring that sub-projects explicitly publish and consume from some intermediate directory. Cargo has poor support for mono-repos: the only viable mechanism is path dependencies, but these require relative paths (which makes refactoring and moving sub-projects very difficult) and don’t work at all if the mono-repo requires publishing and consuming from an intermediate directory (as this may very per host, or per target being built).

This RFC proposes a mechanism to specify path bases in config.toml files which can be used to prepend path dependencies. This allows mono-repos to specify dependencies relative to their root directory, which allows the consuming project to be moved freely (no relative paths to update) and a simple find-and-replace to handle a producing project being moved. Additionally, a host-specific or target-specific intermediate directory may be specified as a base, allowing code to be consumed from there using path dependencies.


If we had a sub-project that depends on three others:

  • foo which is in a different layer of the mono-repo.
  • bar_with_generated that must be consumed from an intermediate directory because it contains target-specific generated code.
  • baz which is in the current layer.

We may have a Cargo.toml snippet that looks like this:

[dependencies] foo = { path = "../../../other_layer/foo" } bar_with_generated = { path = "../../../../intermediates/x86_64/Debug/third_layer/bar_with_generated" } baz = { path = "../baz" }

This has many issues:

  • Moving the current sub-project may require changing all of these relative paths.
  • bar_with_generated will only work if we’re building x86_64 Debug.
  • bar_with_generated assumes that the intermediates directory is a sibling to our source directory, and not somewhere else completely (e.g., a different drive for performance reasons).
  • Moving foo or baz requires searching the code for each possible relative path (e.g., ../../../other_layer/foo and ../foo) and may be error prone if there is some other sub-project in directory with the same name.

Instead, if we could specify these common paths as path bases in a config.toml (which may be generated by an external build system which in turn invokes Cargo):

[path-bases] sources = "/home/user/dev/src" intermediates = "/home/user/dev/intermediates/x86_64/Debug"

Then the Cargo.toml can use those path bases and avoid relative paths:

[dependencies] foo = { path = "other_layer/foo", base = "sources" } bar_with_generated = { path = "third_layer/bar_with_generated", base = "intermediates" } baz = { path = "this_layer/baz", base = "sources" }

Which resolves the issues we previously had:

  • The current project can be moved without modifying the Cargo.toml at all.
  • bar_with_generated works for all targets (assuming the config.toml is


  • The intermediates directory can be placed anywhere.
  • Moving foo or baz only requires searching for the canonical form relative to the path base.

Other uses

The ability to use path bases for path dependencies is convenient for developers who are using a large number of path dependencies within the same root directory. Instead of repeating the same path fragment many times in their Cargo.toml, they can instead specify it once in a config.toml as a path base, then use that path base in each of their path dependencies.

Cargo will also provide built-in base paths, for example workspace to point to the root directory of the workspace. This allows workspace members to reference each other without first needing to ../ their way back to the workspace root.

Guide-level explanation

If you often use multiple path dependencies that have a common parent directory, or if you want to avoid putting long paths in your Cargo.toml, you can define path base directories in your configuration. Your path dependencies can then be specified relative to those base directories.

For example, say you have a number of projects checked out in /home/user/dev/rust/libraries/. Rather than use that path in your Cargo.toml files, you can define it as a “base” path in ~/.cargo/config.toml:

[path-bases] dev = "/home/user/dev/rust/libraries/"

Now, you can specify a path dependency on a library foo in that directory in your Cargo.toml using

[dependencies] foo = { path = "foo", base = "dev" }

Like with other path dependencies, keep in mind that both the base and the path must exist on any other host where you want to use the same Cargo.toml to build your project.

You can also use base along with path when specifying a [patch]. Specifying a path and base on a [patch] is equivalent to specifying just a path containing the full path including the prepended base.

Reference-level explanation

Specifying Dependencies

Path Bases

A path dependency may optionally specify a base by setting the base key to the name of a path base from the [path-bases] table in either the configuration or one of the built-in path bases. The value of that path base is prepended to the path value (along with a path separator if necessary) to produce the actual location where Cargo will look for the dependency.

For example, if the Cargo.toml contains:

[dependencies] foo = { path = "foo", base = "dev" }

Given a [path-bases] table in the configuration that contains:

[path-bases] dev = "/home/user/dev/rust/libraries/"

This will produce a path dependency foo located at /home/user/dev/rust/libraries/foo.

Path bases can be either absolute or relative. Relative path bases are relative to the parent directory of the configuration file that declared that path base.

The name of a path base must use only alphanumeric characters or - or _, must start with an alphabetic character, and must not be empty.

If the name of path base used in a dependency is neither in the configuration nor one of the built-in path base, then Cargo will raise an error.

Built-in path base

Cargo provides implicit path bases that can be used without the need to specify them in a [path-bases] table.

  • workspace - If a project is a workspace or workspace member then this path base is defined as the parent directory of the root Cargo.toml of the workspace.

If a built-in path base name is also declared in the configuration, then Cargo will prefer the value in the configuration. The allows Cargo to add new built-in path bases without compatibility issues (as existing uses will shadow the built-in name).



  • Type: string
  • Default: see below
  • Environment: CARGO_PATH_BASES_<name>

The [path-bases] table defines a set of path prefixes that can be used to prepend the locations of path dependencies. See the specifying dependencies documentation for more information.

cargo add


cargo add [options] --path path [--base base]


Source options

--base base

The path base to use when adding from a local crate.


Path bases can be used in a workspace’s [dependencies] table.

If a member is inheriting a dependency (i.e., using workspace = true) then the base key cannot also be specified for that dependency in the member manifest. That is, the member will use the path dependency as specified in the workspace manifest and has no ability to override the base path being used (if any).


  1. There is now an additional way to specify a dependency in Cargo.toml that may not be accessible when others try to build the same project. Specifically, it may now be that the other host has a path dependency available at the same relative path to Cargo.toml as the author of the Cargo.toml entry, but does not have the path base defined (or has it defined as some other value).

    At the same time, this might make path dependencies more re-usable across hosts, since developers can dictate only which bases need to exist, rather than which paths need to exist. This would allow different developers to host their path dependencies in different locations from the original author.

  2. Developers still need to know the path within each path base. We could instead define path “aliases”, though at that point the whole thing looks more like a special kind of “local path registry”.

  3. This introduces yet another mechanism for grouping local dependencies. We already have local registries, directory registries, and the [paths] override. However, those are all intended for immutable local copies of dependencies where versioning is enforced, rather than as mutable path dependencies.

Rationale and alternatives

This design was primarily chosen for its simplicity — it adds very little to what we have today both in terms of API surface and mechanism. But, other approaches exist.

Developers could have their path dependencies point to symlinks in the current directory, which other developers would then be told to set up to point to the appropriate place on their system. This approach has two main drawbacks: they are harder to use on Windows as they require special privileges, and they pollute the user’s project directory.

For the build-system case, the build system could place vendored dependencies directly into the source directory at well-known locations, though this would mean that if the source of those dependencies were to change, the user would have to re-run the build system (rather than just run cargo) to refresh the vendored dependency. And this approach too would end up polluting the user’s source directory.

An earlier iteration of the design avoided adding a new field to dependencies, and instead inlined the base name into the path using path = "base::relative/path". This has the advantage of not introducing another special keyword in Cargo.toml, but comes at the cost of making :: illegal in paths, which was deemed too great.

Alternatively, we could add support for extrapolating environment variables (or arbitrary configuration values?) in Cargo.toml values. That way, the path could be given as path = "${}/relative/path". While that works, it’s not trivially backwards compatible, may be confusing when users try to extrapolate random other configuration variables in their paths, and seems like a possible Pandora’s box of corner-cases.

The [paths] feature could be updated to lift its current limitations around adding dependencies and requiring that the dependencies be available on This would allow users to avoid path dependencies in more cases, but makes the replacement more implicit than explicit. That change is also more likely to break existing users, and to involve significant refactoring of the existing mechanism.

We could add another type of local registry that is explicitly declared in Cargo.toml, and from which local dependencies could then be drawn. Something like:

[registry.local] path = "/path/to/path/registry"

This would make specifying the dependencies somewhat nicer (version = "1", registry = "local"), and would ensure a standard layout for the locations of the local dependencies. However, using local dependencies in this manner would require more set-up to arrange for the right registry layout, and we would be introducing what is effectively a mutable registry, which Cargo has avoided thus far.

Even with such an approach, there are benefits to being able to not put complex paths into Cargo.toml as they may differ on other build hosts. So, a mechanism for indirecting through a path name may still be desirable.

Ultimately, by not having a mechanism to name paths that lives outside of Cargo.toml, we are forcing developers to coordinate their file system layouts without giving them a mechanism for doing so. Or to work around the lack of a mechanism by requiring developers to add symlinks in strategic locations, cluttering their directories. The proposed mechanism is simple to understand and to use, and still covers a wide variety of use-cases.

Support for declaring path bases in the manifest

Currently path bases only support being declared in the configuration, and not the manifest. While it would be possible to add support for declaring path bases in the manifest in the future (which would require specifying if the declaration in the manifest or configuration is prefered, and how workspace versus members declarations work), it is hard to justify the additional complexity of adding of adding this capability to the initial implementation of the feature.

An argument could be made that specifying path bases in the manifest is a convenience feature, allowing a common path where multiple local dependencies exist to be specified as a path base so that the individual path dependencies would be shorter. However, it would be just as easy to add a configuration file to some parent directory of the dependent and this would be more useful as it is likely that those dependencies will also be used in other local packages thus saving the path bases table being duplicated in multiple manifests.

It could also be argued that specifying path bases in the manifest would be a way to set “default values” for path dependencies (e.g., to a submodule) that a developer could override in their local configuration file. While this may be useful, this scenario is already taken care of by the patch feature in Cargo.

Prior art

Python searches for dependencies by walking sys.path in definition order, which is pulled from the current directory, PYTHONPATH, and a list of system-wide library directories. All imports are thus “relative” to every directory in sys.path. This makes it easy to inject local development dependencies simply by injecting a path early in sys.path. The path dependency is never made explicit anywhere in Python. We could adopt a similar approach by declaring an environment variable CARGO_PATHS, where every path is considered relative to each path in CARGO_PATHS until a path that exists is found. However, this introduces additional possibilities for user confusion if, say, foo exists in multiple paths in CARGO_PATHS and the first one is picked (though maybe that could be a warning?).

NodeJS (with npm) is very similar to Python, except that dependencies can also be specified using relative paths like Cargo’s path dependencies. For non-path dependencies, it searches in node_modules/ in every parent directory, as well as in the NODE_PATH search path. There does not exist a standard mechanism to specify a path dependency relative to a path named elsewhere. With CommonJS modules, JavaScript developers are able to extrapolate variables directly into their require arguments, and can thus implement custom schemes for getting customizable paths.

Ruby’s Gemfile path dependencies are only ever absolute paths or paths relative to the Gemfile’s location, and so are similar to Rust’s current path dependencies.

The same is the case for Go’s go.mod replacement dependencies, which only allow absolute or relative paths.

From this, it’s clear that other major languages do not have a feature quite like this. This is likely because path dependencies are assumed to be short-lived and local, and thus having them be host-specific is often good enough. However, as the motivation section of this RFC outlines, there are still use-cases where a simple name-indirection could help.

Unresolved questions

  • What exact names we should use for the table (path-bases) and field names (base)?
  • What other built-in base paths could be useful?
    • package or current-dir for the directory of the current project?
    • home or user_home for the user’s home directory?
    • sysroot for the current rustc sysroot?

Future possibilities

Add support for declaring path bases in the manifest

As mentioned above, declaring path bases is only supported in the configuration.

Support could be added to declare path bases in the manifest, but the following design questions need to be answered:

  • Is [path-bases] a package or a workspace field?
  • If it is a package field, would it support workspace inheritance? Or would we introduce a new mechanism (e.g., one version of the RFC introduced a “search order” such that Cargo would search for a path base in the package manifest, then the workspace manifest, then the configuration and finally the built-in list).
  • Would a relative path base in the workspace manifest be relative to that manifest, or to the package that uses it?
  • If using inheritance, should path bases be implicitly or explicitly inherited? (e.g., requiring [base-paths] workspace = true)

Path bases relative to other path bases

We could allow defining a path base relative to another path base:

[path-bases] base1 = "/dev/me" base2 = { base = "base1", path = "some_subdir" } # /dev/me/some_subdir

Path dependency with just a base

We could allow defining a path dependency with just base, making cratename = { base = "thebase" } equivalent to cratename = { base = "thebase", path = "cratename" }. This would simplify many common cases, where crates appear within the base in a directory named for the crate.

Git dependencies

It seems reasonable to extend path bases to git dependencies, with something like:

[path-bases] gh = ""
[dependency] foo = { git = "foo.git", base = "gh" }

However, this may get complicated if someone specifies git, path, and base.