
Provide a simple model describing three kinds of structs and variants and their relationships.
Provide a way to match on structs/variants in patterns regardless of their kind (S{..}).
Permit tuple structs and tuple variants with zero fields (TS()).


There’s some mental model lying under the current implementation of ADTs, but it is not written out explicitly and not implemented completely consistently. Writing this model out helps to identify its missing parts. Some of this missing parts turn out to be practically useful. This RFC can also serve as a piece of documentation.

Detailed design

The text below mostly talks about structures, but almost everything is equally applicable to variants.

Braced structs

Braced structs are declared with braces (unsurprisingly).

struct S { field1: Type1, field2: Type2, field3: Type3, }

Braced structs are the basic struct kind, other kinds are built on top of them. Braced structs have 0 or more user-named fields and are defined only in type namespace.

Braced structs can be used in struct expressions S{field1: expr, field2: expr}, including functional record update (FRU) S{field1: expr, ..s}/S{..s} and with struct patterns S{field1: pat, field2: pat}/S{field1: pat, ..}/S{..}. In all cases the path S of the expression or pattern is looked up in the type namespace (so these expressions/patterns can be used with type aliases). Fields of a braced struct can be accessed with dot syntax s.field1.

Note: struct variants are currently defined in the value namespace in addition to type namespace, there are no particular reasons for this and this is probably temporary.

Unit structs

Unit structs are defined without any fields or brackets.

struct US;

Unit structs can be thought of as a single declaration for two things: a basic struct

struct US {}

and a constant with the same nameNote 1

const US: US = US{};

Unit structs have 0 fields and are defined in both type (the type US) and value (the constant US) namespaces.

As a basic struct, a unit struct can participate in struct expressions US{}, including FRU US{..s} and in struct patterns US{}/US{..}. In both cases the path US of the expression or pattern is looked up in the type namespace (so these expressions/patterns can be used with type aliases). Fields of a unit struct could also be accessed with dot syntax, but it doesn’t have any fields.

As a constant, a unit struct can participate in unit struct expressions US and unit struct patterns US, both of these are looked up in the value namespace in which the constant US is defined (so these expressions/patterns cannot be used with type aliases).

Note 1: the constant is not exactly a const item, there are subtle differences (e.g. with regards to match exhaustiveness), but it’s a close approximation.
Note 2: the constant is pretty weirdly namespaced in case of unit variants, constants can’t be defined in “enum modules” manually.

Tuple structs

Tuple structs are declared with parentheses.

struct TS(Type0, Type1, Type2);

Tuple structs can be thought of as a single declaration for two things: a basic struct

struct TS { 0: Type0, 1: Type1, 2: Type2, }

and a constructor function with the same nameNote 2

fn TS(arg0: Type0, arg1: Type1, arg2: Type2) -> TS { TS{0: arg0, 1: arg1, 2: arg2} }

Tuple structs have 0 or more automatically-named fields and are defined in both type (the type TS) and the value (the constructor function TS) namespaces.

As a basic struct, a tuple struct can participate in struct expressions TS{0: expr, 1: expr}, including FRU TS{0: expr, ..ts}/TS{..ts} and in struct patterns TS{0: pat, 1: pat}/TS{0: pat, ..}/TS{..}. In both cases the path TS of the expression or pattern is looked up in the type namespace (so these expressions/patterns can be used with type aliases). Fields of a tuple struct can be accessed with dot syntax ts.0.

As a constructor, a tuple struct can participate in tuple struct expressions TS(expr, expr) and tuple struct patterns TS(pat, pat)/TS(..), both of these are looked up in the value namespace in which the constructor TS is defined (so these expressions/patterns cannot be used with type aliases). Tuple struct expressions TS(expr, expr) are usual function calls, but the compiler reserves the right to make observable improvements to them based on the additional knowledge, that TS is a constructor.

Note 1: the automatically assigned field names are quite interesting, they are not identifiers lexically (they are integer literals), so such fields can’t be defined manually.
Note 2: the constructor function is not exactly a fn item, there are subtle differences (e.g. with regards to privacy checks), but it’s a close approximation.

Summary of the changes.

Everything related to braced structs and unit structs is already implemented.

New: Permit tuple structs and tuple variants with 0 fields. This restriction is artificial and can be lifted trivially. Macro writers dealing with tuple structs/variants will be happy to get rid of this one special case.

New: Permit using tuple structs and tuple variants in braced struct patterns and expressions not requiring naming their fields - TS{..ts}/TS{}/TS{..}. This doesn’t require much effort to implement as well.
This also means that S{..} patterns can be used to match structures and variants of any kind. The desire to have such “match everything” patterns is sometimes expressed given that number of fields in structures and variants can change from zero to non-zero and back during development.
An extra benefit is ability to match/construct tuple structs using their type aliases.

New: Permit using tuple structs and tuple variants in braced struct patterns and expressions requiring naming their fields - TS{0: expr}/TS{0: pat}/etc. While this change is important for consistency, there’s not much motivation for it in hand-written code besides shortening patterns like ItemFn(_, _, unsafety, _, _, _) into something like ItemFn{2: unsafety, ..} and ability to match/construct tuple structs using their type aliases.
However, automatic code generators (e.g. syntax extensions) can get more benefits from the ability to generate uniform code for all structure kinds.
#[derive] for example, currently has separate code paths for generating expressions and patterns for braces structs (ExprStruct/PatKind::Struct), tuple structs (ExprCall/PatKind::TupleStruct) and unit structs (ExprPath/PatKind::Path). With proposed changes #[derive] could simplify its logic and always generate braced forms for expressions and patterns.





Unresolved questions
