
Allow struct definitions to provide default values for individual fields and thereby allowing those to be omitted from initializers. When deriving Default, the provided values will then be used. For example:

#[derive(Default)] struct Pet { name: Option<String>, // impl Default for Pet will use Default::default() for name age: i128 = 42, // impl Default for Pet will use the literal 42 for age }

These can then be used in the following way with the existing functional update syntax, but without a “base expression” after the ..:

// Pet { name: Some(""), age: 42 } let _ = Pet { name: Some(String::new()), .. } // Compilation error: `name` needs to be specified let _ = Pet { .. }

Derived Default impl also uses struct field defaults if present:

// Pet { name: None, age: 42 } let _ = Pet::default();


Boilerplate reduction

For structs

Rust allows you to create an instance of a struct using the struct literal syntax Foo { bar: expr, baz: expr }. To do so, all fields in the struct must be assigned a value. This makes it inconvenient to create large structs whose fields usually receive the same values. It also allows you construct a new instance of the same struct by consuming some (or all) of the fields of an existing value, which can reduce noise when a struct derives Default, but are also invalid when the struct has inaccessible fields and do not allow the creation of an impl where some fields are mandatory.

To work around these shortcomings, you can create constructor functions:

struct Foo { alpha: &'static str, beta: bool, gamma: i32, } impl Foo { /// Constructs a `Foo`. fn new(alpha: &'static str, gamma: i32) -> Self { Self { alpha, beta: true, gamma } } } let foo = Foo::new("Hello", 42);

The problem with a constructor is that you need one for each combination of fields a caller can supply. To work around this, you can use builders, such as process::Command in the standard library. Builders enable more advanced initialization, but require additional boilerplate. To represent the difference, we can see the dramatic syntactical increase for semantically small changes:

// All fields are mandatory struct Foo { alpha: &'static str, beta: bool, gamma: i32, }
impl Foo { /// Constructs a `Foo`. fn new(alpha: &'static str, gamma: i32) -> Self { Self { alpha, beta: true, gamma } } }
// A builder type that is able to construct a `Foo`, but that will fail at runtime if a field is // missing. #[derive(Default)] struct FooBuilder { pub alpha: Option<&'static str>, pub beta: Option<bool>, pub gamma: Option<i32>, } impl FooBuilder { fn new() -> Self { FooBuilder::default() } fn set_alpha(&mut self, alpha: &'static str) -> &mut Self { self.alpha = Some(alpha); self } fn set_beta(&mut self, beta: &'static str) -> &mut Self { self.beta = Some(beta); self } fn set_gamma(&mut self, gamma: &'static str) -> &mut Self { self.gamma = Some(gamma); self } fn build(self) -> Foo { Foo { alpha: self.alpha.unwrap(), beta: self.beta.unwrap(), gamma: self.gamma.unwrap_or(0), } } }
pub struct Foo { pub alpha: &'static str, pub beta: bool, pub gamma: i32, } // A builder type that is able to construct a `Foo`, but that will fail at compile time if a field // is missing. #[derive(Default)] pub struct FooBuilder<const A: bool, const B: bool, const G: bool> { alpha: Option<&'static str>, beta: Option<bool>, gamma: Option<i32>, } // We provide this `impl` on its own so that `FooBuilder::new()` will work without specifying the // const parameters. impl FooBuilder<false, false, false> { fn new() -> FooBuilder<false, false, false> { FooBuilder::default() } } // The fields can only be set once. Calling `set_alpha` twice will result in a compilation error. impl<const B: bool, const G: bool> FooBuilder<false, B, G> { fn set_alpha(mut self, alpha: &'static str) -> FooBuilder<true, B, G> { self.alpha = Some(alpha); unsafe { std::mem::transmute(self) } } } impl<const A: bool, const G: bool> FooBuilder<A, false, G> { fn set_beta(mut self, beta: bool) -> FooBuilder<A, true, G> { self.beta = Some(beta); unsafe { std::mem::transmute(self) } } } impl<const A: bool, const B: bool> FooBuilder<A, B, false> { fn set_gamma(mut self, gamma: i32) -> FooBuilder<A, B, true> { self.gamma = Some(gamma); unsafe { std::mem::transmute(self) } } } // If any field is optional, impl<const G: bool> FooBuilder<true, true, G> { fn build(self) -> Foo { // can only be called if all fields have been set Foo { alpha: self.alpha.unwrap(), beta: self.beta.unwrap(), gamma: self.gamma.unwrap_or(0), // This is an optional field with a default. } } } fn main() { let _ = FooBuilder::new() .set_alpha("") .set_beta(false) // If we comment this out, it will no longer compile. .set_gamma(42) // If we comment this out, it will still compile. .build(); }

All of the above can be represented with the exact same results with struct field default values, but with much less boilerplate:

pub struct Foo { pub alpha: &'static str, pub beta: bool, pub gamma: i32 = 0, } fn main() { let _ = Foo { alpha: "", beta: false, .. }; }

The builder pattern is quite common in the Rust ecosystem, but as shown above its need is greatly reduced with struct field defaults.

#[derive(Default)] in more cases

The #[derive(..)] (“custom derive”) mechanism works by defining procedural macros. Because they are macros, these operate on abstract syntax and don’t have more information available. Therefore, when you #[derive(Default)] on a data type definition as with:

#[derive(Default)] struct Foo { bar: u8, baz: String, }

it only has the immediate “textual” definition available to it.

Because Rust currently does not have an in-language way to define default values, you cannot #[derive(Default)] in the cases where you are not happy with the natural default values that each field’s type provides. By extending the syntax of Rust such that default values can be provided, #[derive(Default)] can be used in many more circumstances and thus boilerplate is further reduced. The addition of a single field, expands the code written by the struct author from a single derive line to a whole Default impl, which becomes more verbose linearly with the number of fields.

Imperfect derives

One thing to notice, is that taking default values into consideration during the desugaring of #[derive(Default)] would allow to side-step the issue of our lack of perfect derives, by making the desugaring syntactically check which type parameters correspond to fields that don’t have a default field, as in the expansion they will use the default value instead of Default::default(). By doing this a user can side-step the introduction of unnecessary bounds by specifying a default value of the same return value of Default::default():

#[derive(Default)] struct Foo<T> { bar: Option<T>, }

previously expands to:

struct Foo<T> { bar: Option<T>, } impl<T: Default> Default for Foo<T> { fn default() -> Foo<T> { Foo { bar: Default::default(), } } }

but we can make the following:

#[derive(Default)] struct Foo<T> { bar: Option<T> = None, }

expand to:

struct Foo<T> { bar: Option<T>, } impl<T> Default for Foo<T> { fn default() -> Foo<T> { Foo { bar: None, } } }

Usage by other #[derive(..)] macros

Custom derive macros exist that have a notion of or use default values.


For example, the serde crate provides a #[serde(default)] attribute that can be used on structs, and fields. This will use the field’s or type’s Default implementations. This works well with field defaults; serde can either continue to rely on Default implementations in which case this RFC facilitates specification of field defaults; or it can directly use the default values provided in the type definition.


Another example is the structopt crate with which you can write:

#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] #[structopt(name = "example", about = "An example of StructOpt usage.")] struct Opt { /// Set speed #[structopt(short = "s", long = "speed", default_value_t = 42)] speed: f64, ... }

By having default field values in the language, structopt could let you write:

#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] #[structopt(name = "example", about = "An example of StructOpt usage.")] struct Opt { /// Set speed #[structopt(short = "s", long = "speed")] speed: f64 = 42, ... }


A third example comes from the crate derive_builder. As the name implies, you can use it to #[derive(Builder)]s for your types. An example is:

#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)] struct Lorem { #[builder(default = "42")] pub ipsum: u32, }


As seen in the previous sections, rather than make deriving Default more magical, by allowing default field values in the language, user-space custom derive macros can make use of them.

Guide-level explanation

Providing field defaults

Consider a data-type such as (1):

pub struct Probability { value: f32, }

You’d like encode the default probability value to be 0.5; With this RFC now you can provide such a default directly where Probability is defined like so (2):

pub struct Probability { value: f32 = 0.5, }

Having done this, you can now construct a Probability with a struct initializer and leave value out to use the default (3):

let prob = Probability { .. };

Deriving Default

Previously, you might have instead implemented the Default trait like so (4):

impl Default for Probability { fn default() -> Self { Self { value: 0.5 } } }

You can now shorten this to (5):

impl Default for Probability { fn default() -> Self { Self { .. } } }

However, since you had specified value: f32 = 0.5 in the definition of Probability, you can take advantage of that to write the more simpler and more idiomatic (6):

#[derive(Default)] pub struct Probability { value: f32 = 0.5, }

Having done this, a Default implementation equivalent to the one in (5) will be generated for you.

More fields

As you saw in the summary, you are not limited to a single field and all fields need not have any defaults associated with them. Instead, you can freely mix and match. Given the definition of LaunchCommand from the motivation (7):

struct LaunchCommand { cmd: String, args: Vec<String> = Vec::new(), some_special_setting: Option<FancyConfig> = None, setting_most_people_will_ignore: Option<FlyMeToTheMoon> = None, }

you can omit all fields but cmd (8):

let ls_cmd = LaunchCommand { cmd: "ls".to_string(), .. };

You can also elect to override the provided defaults (9):

let ls_cmd2 = LaunchCommand { cmd: "ls".to_string(), args: vec!["-lah".to_string()], some_special_setting: make_special_setting(), // setting_most_people_will_ignore is still defaulted. .. };

Default fields values are const contexts

As you saw in (7), Vec::new(), a function call, was used. However, this assumes that Vec::new is a const fn. That is, when you provide a default value field: Type = value, the given value must be a constant expression such that it is valid in a const context. Therefore, you cannot write something like (10):

fn launch_missiles() -> Result<(), LaunchFailure> { authenticate()?; begin_launch_sequence()?; ignite()?; Ok(()) } struct BadFoo { bad_field: u8 = { launch_missiles().unwrap(); 42 }, }

Since launching missiles interacts with the real world and has side-effects in it, it is not possible to do that in a const context since it may violate deterministic compilation.

Privacy interactions

The same privacy interactions that the struct update syntax has when a base is present are still at place under this RFC: if a type can’t be constructed from another base expression due to private fields, then it can’t be constructed from field defaults either. See Future Possibilities for additional context.

#[non_exhaustive] interactions

RFC 2008 introduced the attribute #[non_exhaustive] that can be placed on struct, enum, and enum variants. The RFC notes that upon defining a struct in crate A such as (12):

#[non_exhaustive] pub struct Config { pub width: u16, pub height: u16, }

it is not possible to initialize a Config in a different crate B (13):

let config = Config { width: 640, height: 480 };

This is forbidden when #[non_exhaustive] is attached because the purpose of the attribute is to permit adding fields to Config without causing a breaking change. However, the RFC goes on to note that you can pattern match if you allow for the possibility of having fields be ignored with .. (14):

let Config { width, height, .. } = config;

This RFC restricts the use of default field values only to types that are not annotated with #[non_exhaustive], leaving it and the specifics of their interaction if allowed as an open question of future concern. Supporting this without additional compiler support could mean that the following

#[non_exhaustive] pub struct Foo; // another crate let _ = Foo { .. }; // Currently forbidden

Would be allowed, changing the meaning of this code in a way that goes against user intention.

Some alternatives present for the case mentioned above can be:

  • Add a private non-defaulted field:
    #[non_exhaustive] pub struct Config { pub width: u16 = 640, pub height: u16 = 480, __priv: PhantomData<()> }
    which disallows the following
    let _ = Config { .. }; let _ = Config { width: 800, height: 600, .. };
    at the cost of forcing the API-internal construction of Config to specify __priv everywhere.
  • If defaulting private fields is allowed outside of the current crate, or that behavior can be explicitly set by the user, then the following:
    #[non_exhaustive] pub struct Config { pub width: u16 = 640, pub height: u16 = 480, __priv: PhantomData<()> = PhantomData, }
    still disallows the following
    let _ = Config { .. }; let _ = Config { width: 800, height: 600, .. };
    while also allowing precisely that syntax within the API-internal constructions of Config.

Defaults for enums

The ability to give fields default values is not limited to structs. Fields of enum variants can also be given defaults (16):

enum Ingredient { Tomato { color: Color = Color::Red, taste: TasteQuality, }, Onion { color: Color = Color::Yellow, } }

Given these defaults, you can then proceed to initialize Ingredients as you did with structs (17):

let sallad_parts = vec![ Ingredient::Tomato { taste: Yummy, .. }, Ingredient::Tomato { taste: Delicious, color: Color::Green, }, Ingredient::Onion { .. }, ];

Note that enum variants have public fields and in today’s Rust, this cannot be controlled with visibility modifiers on variants.

Furthermore, when #[non_exhaustive] is specified directly on an enum, it has no interaction with the defaults values and the ability to construct variants of said enum. However, as specified by RFC 2008, #[non_exhaustive] is permitted on variants. When that occurs, the behaviour is the same as if it had been attached to a struct with the same fields and field visibility.

Interaction with #[default]

It is possible today to specify a #[default] variant in an enum so that it can be #[derive(Default)]. A variant marked with #[default] will use defaulted fields when present.

#[derive(Default)] enum Ingredient { Tomato { color: Color = Color::Red, taste: TasteQuality, }, Onion { color: Color = Color::Yellow, }, #[default] Lettuce { color: Color = Color::Green, }, }

Now the compiler does know that Ingredient::Lettuce should be considered the default and will accordingly generate an appropriate implementation of Default for Ingredient (19):

impl Default for Ingredient { fn default() -> Self { Ingredient::Lettuce { color: Color::Green, } } }

Defaults on tuple structs and tuple enum variants

Default values are only allowed on named fields. There is no syntax provided for tuple types like struct S(i32) or enum E { V(i32), }.

Reference-level explanation

Field default values


Let the grammar of record fields in structs and enum variants be defined like so (in the .lyg notation):

RecordField = attrs:OuterAttr* vis:Vis? name:IDENT ":" ty:Type;

Then, RecordField is changed into:

RecordField = attrs:OuterAttr* vis:Vis? name:IDENT ":" ty:Type { "=" def:Expr }?;

Further, given the following partial definition for the expression grammar:

Expr = attrs:OuterAttr* kind:ExprKind; ExprKind = | ... | Struct:{ path:Path "{" attrs:InnerAttr* fields:StructExprFieldsAndBase "}" } ; StructExprFieldsAndBase = | Fields:{ fields:StructExprField* % "," ","? } | Base:{ ".." base:Expr } | FieldsAndBase:{ fields:StructExprField+ % "," "," ".." base:Expr } ; StructExprField = attrs:OuterAttr* kind:StructExprFieldKind; StructExprFieldKind = | Shorthand:IDENT | Explicit:{ field:FieldName ":" expr:Expr } ;

the rule StructExprFieldsAndBase is extended with:

StructExprFieldsAndBase =| FieldsAndDefault:{ fields:StructExprField+ % "," "," ".." }; StructExprFieldsAndBase =| Default:{ ".." }

Static semantics

Defining defaults

Given a RecordField where the default is specified, i.e.:

RecordField = attrs:OuterAttr* vis:Vis? name:IDENT ":" ty:Type "=" def:Expr;

all the following rules apply when type-checking:

  1. The expression def must be a constant expression.

  2. The expression def must coerce to the type ty.

  3. Generic parameters of the current items are accessible

    struct Bar<const A: usize> { field: usize = A, }
  4. Default const expressions are not evaluated at definition time, only during instantiation. This means that the following will not fail to compile:

    struct Bar { field1: usize = panic!(), field2: usize = 42, } let _ = Bar { field1: 0, .. };

    Having said that, it can be possible to proactivelly attempt to evaluate the default values and emit a lint in a case where the expression is assured to always fail (which would only be possible for expressions that do not reference const parameters).

  5. The struct’s parameters are properly propagated, meaning the following is possible:

    struct Bar<T> { field: Vec<T> = Vec::new(), } let _ = Bar::<i32> { .. };

When lints check attributes such as #[allow(lint_name)] are placed on a RecordField, it also applies to def if it exists.

Initialization expressions

Path { fields, .. } is const since the defaulted fields are initialized from constants.


When generating an implementation of Default for a struct named $s on which #[derive(Default)] has been attached, the compiler will omit all fields which have default values provided in the struct. The the associated function default shall then be defined as (where $f_i denotes the i-th field of $s):

fn default() -> Self { $s { $f_i: Default::default(), .. } }


The usual drawback of increasing the complexity of the language applies. However, the degree to which complexity is increased is not substantial.

In particular, the syntax Foo { .. } mirrors the identical and already existing pattern syntax. This makes the addition of Foo { .. } at worst low-cost and potentially cost-free.

It is true that there are cases where Foo { ..Default::default() } will be allowed where Foo { .. } won’t be, and vice-versa.

This new syntax is more ergonomic to use, but it requires specifying a default value for every field which can be much less ergonomic than using #[derive(Default)] on your type. The following two are almost equivalent, and the more fields there are, the more the verbosity is increased:

#[derive(Default)] struct S { foo: Option<String>, bar: Option<String>, }
struct S { foo: Option<String> = None, bar: Option<String> = None, }

This can become relevant when an API author wants to push users towards the new syntax because .. is shorter than ..Default::default(), or when some fields with types that impl Default are optional, but #[derive(Default)] can’t be used because some fields are mandatory.

The main complexity comes instead from introducing field: Type = expr. However, as seen in the prior-art, there are several widely-used languages that have a notion of field / property / instance-variable defaults. Therefore, the addition is intuitive and thus the cost is seen as limited. As an implementation detail, rustc already parses field: Type = expr purely to provide an appropriate diagnostic error:

error: default values on `struct` fields aren't supported --> src/ | 2 | pub alpha: &'static str = "", | ^^^^^ help: remove this unsupported default value

An issue arises when considering const patterns. A pattern Foo { .. } can match more things than just the expression Foo { .. }, because the pattern matches any value of the unmentioned fields, but the expression sets them to a particular value. This means that, with the unstable inline_const_pat, the arm const { Foo { .. } } => matches less than the arm Foo { .. } => (assuming a type like struct Foo { a: i32 = 1 }). A way to mitigate this might be to use an alternative syntax, like ... or

Rationale and alternatives

Besides the given motivation, there are some specific design choices worthy of more in-depth discussion, which is the aim of this section.

Provided associated items as precedent

While Rust does not have any support for default values for fields or for formal parameters of functions, the notion of defaults are not foreign to Rust.

Indeed, it is possible to provide default function bodies for fn items in trait definitions. For example:

pub trait PartialEq<Rhs: ?Sized = Self> { fn eq(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool; fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool { // A default body. !self.eq(other) } }

In traits, const items can also be assigned a default value. For example:

trait Foo { const BAR: usize = 42; // A default value. }

Thus, to extend Rust with a notion of field defaults is not an entirely alien concept.

Pattern matching follows construction

In mathematics there is a notion of one thing being the dual of another. Loosely speaking, duals are often about inverting something. In Rust, one example of such an inversion is expressions and patterns.

Expressions are used to build up and patterns break apart; While it doesn’t hold generally, a principle of language design both in Rust and other languages with with pattern matching has been that the syntax for patterns should, to the extent possible, follow that of expressions.

For example:

  • You can match on or build up a struct with Foo { field }. For patterns this will make field available as a binding while for expressions the binding field will be used to build a Foo.

    For a tuple struct, Foo(x) will work both for construction and matching.

  • If you want to be more flexible, both patterns and expressions permit Foo { field: bar }.

  • You can use both &x to dereference and bind to x or construct a reference to x.

  • An array can be constructed with [a, b, c, d] and the same is a valid pattern for destructuring an array.

The reason why matching should follow construction is that it makes languages easier to understand; you simply learn the expression syntax and then reuse it to run the process in reverse.

In some places, Rust could do a better job than it currently does of adhering to this principle. In this particular case, the pattern syntax Foo { a, b: c, .. } has no counterpart in the expression syntax. This RFC rectifies this by permitting Foo { a, b: c, .. } as an expression syntax; this is identical to the expression syntax and thus consistency has been gained.

However, it is not merely sufficient to use the same syntax for expressions; the semantics also have to be similar in kind for things to work out well. This RFC argues that this is the case because in both contexts, .. indicates something partially ignorable is going on: “I am destructuring/constructing this struct, and by the way there are some more fields I don’t care about and let’s drop those* / and let’s fill in with default values”. In a way, the use of _ to mean both a catch-all pattern and type / value placeholder is similar to ..; in the case of _ both cases indicate something unimportant going on. For patterns, _ matches everything and doesn’t give access to the value; for types, the placeholder is just an unbounded inference variable.

On const contexts

To recap, the expression a default value is computed with must be constant one. There are many reasons for this restriction:

  • If determinism is not enforced, then just by writing the following snippet, the condition x == y may fail:

    let x = Foo { .. }; let y = Foo { .. };

    This contributes to surprising behaviour overall.

    Now you may object with an observation that if you replace Foo { .. } with make_foo() then a reader no longer know just from the syntactic form whether x == y is still upheld. This is indeed true. However, there is a general expectation in Rust that a function call may not behave deterministically. Meanwhile, for the syntactic form Foo { .. } and with default values, the whole idea is that they are something that doesn’t require close attention.

  • The broader class of problem that non-determinism highlights is that of side-effects. These effects wrt. program behaviour are prefixed with “side” because they happen without being communicated in the type system or more specifically in the inputs and outputs of a function.

    In general, it is easier to do formal verification of programs that lack side-effects. While programming with Rust, requirements are usually not that demanding and robust. However, the same properties that make pure logic easier to formally verify also make for more local reasoning.

    By requring default field values to be const contexts, global reasoning can be avoided. Thus, the reasoning footprint for Foo { .. } is reduced.

  • By restricting ourselves to const contexts, you can be sure that default literals have a degree of cheapness.

    While const expressions form a turing complete language and therefore have no limits to their complexity other than being computable, these expressions are evaluated at compile time. Thus, const expressions cannot have unbounded complexity at run-time. At most, const expressions can create huge arrays and similar cases;

    Ensuring that Foo { .. } remains relatively cheap is therefore important because there is a general expectation that literal expressions have a small and predictable run-time cost and are trivially predictable. This is particularly important for Rust since this is a language that aims to give a high degree of control over space and time as well as predictable performance characteristics.

  • Keeping default values limited to const expressions ensures that if the following situation develops:

    // Crate A: pub struct Foo { bar: u8 = const_expr, } // Crate B: const fn baz() -> Foo { Foo { .. } }

    then crate A cannot suddenly, and unawares, cause a semver breakage for crate B by replacing const_expr with non_const_expr since the compiler would reject such a change (see lemmas 1-2). Thus, enforcing constness gives a helping hand in respecting semantic version.

    Note that if Rust would ever gain a mechanism to state that a function will not diverge, e.g.:

    nopanic fn foo() -> u8 { 42 } // The weaker variant; more easily attainable. total fn bar() -> u8 { 24 } // No divergence, period.

    then the same semver problem would manifest itself for those types of functions. However, Rust does not have any such enforcement mechanism right now and if it did, it is generally harder to ensure that a function is total than it is to ensure that it is deterministic; thus, while it is regrettable, this is an acceptable trade-off.

  • Finally, note that const fns, can become quite expressive. For example, it is possible to use loops, matches, let statements, and panic!(..)s. Another feasible extension in the future is allocation.

    Therefore, constant expressions should be enough to satisfy most expressive needs.

Instead of Foo { ..Default::default() }

As an alternative to the proposed design is either explicitly writing out ..Default::default() or extending the language such that Foo { .. } becomes sugar for Foo { ..Default::default() }. While the former idea does not satisfy any of the motivation set out, the latter does to a small extent.

In particular, Foo { .. } as sugar slightly improves ergonomics. However, it has some notable problems:

  • Because it desugars to Foo { ..Default::default() }, it cannot be required that the expression is a constant one. This carries all the problems noted in the previous section on why default field values should be a const context.

  • There is no way of implementing a Default implementation that has mandatory fields for users to specify during value construction.

  • It provides zero improvements to the ergonomics of specifying defaults, only for using them. Arguably, the most important aspect of this RFC is not the syntax Foo { .. } but rather the ability to provide default values for fields.

  • By extension, the improvement to documentation clarity is lost.

  • The trait Default must now become a #[lang_item]. This is a sign of increasing the overall magic in the system; meanwhile, this proposal makes the default values provided usable by other custom derive macros.

Thus in conclusion, while desugaring .. to Default::default() has lower cost, it also provides significantly less value to the point of not being worth it.

.. is useful as a marker

One possible change to the current design is to permit filling in defaults by simply writing Foo {}; in other words, .. is simply dropped from the expression.

Among the benefits are:

  • To enhance ergonomics of initialization further.

  • To introduce less syntax.

  • To be more in line with how other languages treat default values.

Among the drawbacks are:

  • The syntax Foo { .. } is no longer introduced to complement the identical pattern syntax. As aforementioned, destruction (and pattern matching) generally attempts to follow construction in Rust. Because of that, introducing Foo { .. } is essentially cost-free in terms of the complexity budget. It is arguably even cost-negative.

  • By writing Foo { .. }, there is explicit indication that default values are being used; this enhances local reasoning further.

This RFC requires the .. to get defaulted fields because it wants to continue to allow the workflow of intentionally not including .. in the struct literal expression so that when a user adds a field they get compilation errors on every use – just like is currently possible in patterns by not including .. in the struct pattern.

Named function arguments with default values

A frequently requested feature is named function arguments. Today, the way to design around the lack of these in the language are:

  • Builder pattern
  • Defining a struct “bag-object” where optional fields are set, making users call functions in the following way: foo(mandatory, Optionals { bar: 42, ..Default::default() })
  • Provide multiple methods: fn foo(mandatory) and fn foo_with_bar(mandatory, bar)

Prior art

A prior version of this RFC, from which part of the contents in this version were sourced, exists at

This RFC was informed by a lengthy discussion in from a few years prior.

Another prior RFC for the same feature is at

Other languages

This selection of languages are not exhaustive; rather, a few notable or canonical examples are used instead.


In Java it is possible to assign default values, computed by any expression, to an instance variable; for example, you may write:

class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { new Foo(); } public static int make_int() { System.out.println("I am making an int!"); return 42; } static class Foo { private int bar = Main.make_int(); } }

When executing this program, the JVM will print the following to stdout:

I am making an int!

Two things are worth noting here:

  1. It is possible to cause arbitrary side effects in the expression that computes the default value of bar. This behaviour is unlike that which this RFC proposes.

  2. It is possible to construct a Foo which uses the default value of bar even though bar has private visibility. This is because default values act as syntactic sugar for how the default constructor Foo() should act. There is no such thing as constructors in Rust. However, the behaviour that Java has is morally equivalent to this RFC since literals are constructor-like and because this RFC also permits the usage of defaults for private fields where the fields are not visible.


Being a JVM language, Scala builds upon Java and retains the notion of default field values. For example, you may write:

case class Person(name: String = make_string(), age: Int = 42) def make_string(): String = { System.out.println("foo"); "bar" } var p = new Person(age = 24); System.out.println(;

As expected, this prints foo and then bar to the terminal.


Kotlin is similar to both Java and Scala; here too can you use defaults:

fun make_int(): Int { println("foo"); return 42; } class Person(val age: Int = make_int()); fun main() { Person(); }

Similar to Java and Scala, Kotlin does also permit side-effects in the default values because both languages have no means of preventing the effects.


Another language with defaults of the object-oriented variety is C#. The is behaviour similar to Java:

class Foo { int bar = 42; }


Another language in the object-oriented family is C++. It also affords default values like so:

#include <iostream> int make_int() { std::cout << "hello" << std::endl; // As in Java. return 42; } class Foo { private: int bar = make_int(); public: int get_bar() { return this->bar; } }; int main() { Foo x; std::cout << x.get_bar() << std::endl; }

In C++ it is still the case that the defaults are usable due to constructors. And while the language has constexpr to enforce the ability to evaluate something at compile time, as can be seen in the snippet above, no such requirement is placed on default field values.


A language which is closer to Rust is Swift, and it allows for default values:

struct Person { var age = 42 }

This is equivalent to writing:

struct Person { var age: Int init() { age = 42 } }


Having defaults for record fields is not the sole preserve of OO languages. The pure, total, and dependently typed functional programming language Agda also affords default values. For example, you may write:

-- | Define the natural numbers inductively: -- This corresponds to an `enum` in Rust. data Nat : Set where zero : Nat suc : Nat → Nat -- | Define a record type `Foo` with a field named `bar` typed at `Nat`. record Foo : Set where bar : Nat bar = zero -- An optionally provided default value. myFoo : Foo myFoo = record {} -- Construct a `Foo`.

In contrast to languages such as Java, Agda does not have have a notion of constructors. Rather, record {} fills in the default value.

Furthermore, Agda is a pure and strongly normalizing language and as such, record {} may not cause any side-effects or even divergence. However, as Agda employs monadic IO in the vein of Haskell, it is possible to store a IO Nat value in the record:

record Foo : Set where bar : IO Nat bar = do putStrLn "hello!" pure zero

Note that this is explicitly typed as bar : IO Nat and that record {} won’t actually run the action. To do that, you will need take the bar value and run it in an IO context.

Procedural macros

There are a number of crates which to varying degrees afford macros for default field values and associated facilities.


A third example comes from the crate derive_builder. As the name implies, you can use it to #[derive(Builder)]s for your types. An example is:

#[derive(Builder, Debug, PartialEq)] struct Lorem { #[builder(default = "42")] pub ipsum: u32, }

Under this RFC, the code would be

#[derive(Default, Debug, PartialEq)] struct Lorem { pub ipsum: u32 = 42, }


The crate derivative provides the #[derivative(Default)] attribute. With it, you may write:

#[derive(Derivative)] #[derivative(Default)] struct RegexOptions { #[derivative(Default(value="10 * (1 << 20)"))] size_limit: usize, #[derivative(Default(value="2 * (1 << 20)"))] dfa_size_limit: usize, #[derivative(Default(value="true"))] unicode: bool, } #[derive(Derivative)] #[derivative(Default)] enum Foo { #[derivative(Default)] Bar, Baz, }

Contrast this with the equivalent in the style of this RFC:

#[derive(Default)] struct RegexOptions { size_limit: usize = 10 * (1 << 20), dfa_size_limit: usize = 2 * (1 << 20), unicode: bool = true, } #[derive(Default)] enum Foo { #[default] Bar, Baz, }

There a few aspects to note:

  1. The signal to noise ratio is low as compared to the notation in this RFC. Substantial of syntactic overhead is accumulated to specify defaults.

  2. Expressions need to be wrapped in strings, i.e. value="2 * (1 << 20)". While this is flexible and allows most logic to be embedded, the mechanism works poorly with IDEs and other tooling. Syntax highlighting also goes out of the window because the highlighter has no idea that the string included in the quotes is Rust code. It could just as well be a poem due to Shakespeare. At best, a highlighter could use some heuristic.

  3. The macro has no way to enforce that the code embedded in the strings are constant expressions. It might be possible to fix that but that might increase the logic of the macro considerably.

  4. Because the macro merely customizes how deriving Default works, it cannot provide the syntax Foo { .. }, interact with privacy, and it cannot provide defaults for enum variants.

  5. Like in this RFC, derivative allows you to derive Default for enums. The syntax used in the macro is #[derivative(Default)] whereas the RFC provides the more ergonomic and direct notation #[default] in this RFC.

  6. To its credit, the macro provides #[derivative(Default(bound=""))] with which you can remove unnecessary bounds as well as add needed ones. This addresses a deficiency in the current deriving system for built-in derive macros. However, the attribute solves an orthogonal problem. The ability to specify default values would mean that derivative can piggyback on the default value syntax due to this RFC. The mechanism for removing or adding bounds can remain the same. Similar mechanisms could also be added to the language itself.


The smart-default provides #[derive(SmartDefault)] custom derive macro. It functions similarly to derivative but is specialized for the Default trait. With it, you can write:

#[derive(SmartDefault)] struct RegexOptions { #[default = "10 * (1 << 20)"] size_limit: usize, #[default = "2 * (1 << 20)"] dfa_size_limit: usize, #[default = true] unicode: bool, } #[derive(SmartDefault)] enum Foo { #[default] Bar, Baz, }
  • The signal to noise ratio is still higher as compared to the notation in due to this RFC. The problems aforementioned from the derivative crate with respect to embedding Rust code in strings also persists.

  • Points 2-4 regarding derivative apply to smart-default as well.

  • The same syntax #[default] is used both by smart-default and by this RFC. While it may seem that this RFC was inspired by smart-default, this is not the case. Rather, this RFC’s author came up with the notation independently. That suggests that the notation is intuitive since and a solid design choice.

  • There is no trait SmartDefault even though it is being derived. This works because #[proc_macro_derive(SmartDefault)] is in fact not tied to any trait. That #[derive(Serialize)] refers to the same trait as the name of the macro is from the perspective of the language’s static semantics entirely coincidental.

    However, for users who aren’t aware of this, it may seem strange that SmartDefault should derive for the Default trait.


The derive-new crate provides the #[derive(new)] custom derive macro. Unlike the two previous procedural macro crates, derive-new does not provide implementations of Default. Rather, the macro facilitates the generation of MyType::new constructors.

For example, you may write:

#[derive(new)] struct Foo { x: bool, #[new(value = "42")] y: i32, #[new(default)] z: Vec<String>, } Foo::new(true); #[derive(new)] enum Enum { FirstVariant, SecondVariant(bool, #[new(default)] u8), ThirdVariant { x: i32, #[new(value = "vec![1]")] y: Vec<u8> } } Enum::new_first_variant(); Enum::new_second_variant(true); Enum::new_third_variant(42);

Notice how #[new(value = "vec![1]"), #[new(value = "42")], and #[new(default)] are used to provide values that are then omitted from the respective constructor functions that are generated.

If you transcribe the above snippet as much as possible to the system proposed in this RFC, you would get:

struct Foo { x: bool, y: i32 = 42, z: Vec<String> = <_>::default(), // -------------- // note: assuming some `impl const Default { .. }` mechanism. } Foo { x: true }; enum Enum { FirstVariant, SecondVariant(bool, u8), // See future possibilities. ThirdVariant { x: i32, y: Vec<u8> = vec![1] } } Enum::FirstVariant; Enum::SecondVariant(true, 0); Enum::ThirdVariant { x: 42 };

Relative to #[derive(new)], the main benefits are:

  • No wrapping code in strings, as noted in previous sections.
  • The defaults used can be mixed and matches; it works to request all defaults or just some of them.

The constructor functions new_first_variant(..) are not provided for you. However, it should be possible to tweak #[derive(new)] to interact with this RFC so that constructor functions are regained if so desired.

Unresolved questions


  1. What is the right interaction wrt. #[non_exhaustive]?

    In particular, if given the following definition:

    #[non_exhaustive] pub struct Config { pub height: u32, pub width: u32, }

    it could be possible to construct a Config like so, if the construction of types without default field values is allowed (to support semver changes):

    let config = Config { width: 640, height: 480, .. };

    then adding a field to Config can only happen if and only if that field is provided a default value.

    This arrangement, while diminishing the usefulness of #[non_exhaustive], makes the ruleset of the language simpler, more consistent, and also simplifies type checking as #[non_exhaustive] is entirely ignored when checking Foo { fields, .. } expressions.

    As an alternative, users who desire the semantics described above can omit #[non_exhaustive] from their type and instead add a private defaulted field that has a ZST, if the construction of structs with private fields is allowed. If they are not, then the attribute is still relevant and needed to control the accepted code to force ...

enum variants

Currently #[derive(Default)] only supports unit enum variants. In this RFC we propose supporting .. on struct enum variants. It would be nice to keep the symmetry with structs and support #[derive(Default)] on them, but it is not absolutely necessary. RFC-3683 proposes that support. These two features are technically orthogonal, but work well together.

Future possibilities

#[non_exhaustive] interactions

This RFC doesn’t allow mixing default field values and #[non_exhaustive] because of the interaction with the allowance to build struct literals that have private fields:

#[non_exhaustive] pub struct Foo { bar: i32 = 42, } // another crate let _ = Foo { .. }; // Currently forbidden, but would be allowed by this RFC without the attribute

There are several options:

  • Allow #[non_exhaustive] but deny the ability to build a struct literal when there are non-accessible fields with defaults
  • Disallow both #[non_exhaustive] and building struct literals with private fields in order to resolve the interaction some-time in the future, as enabling either ability is a backwards compatible change that strictly allows more code to work
  • Have additional rules on what the interactions are, like for example allow building struct literals with private fields as long as the type isn’t annotated with #[non_exhaustive]
  • Extend #[non_exhaustive] with arguments in order to specify the desired behavior
  • Change the defaults of #[non_exhaustive] and allow for the change in meaning of it being set

I propose to go for the maximally restrictive version of the default field values feature, and allow for future experimentation of which of these options best fits the language.

The following also needs to be specified:

#[non_exhaustive] pub struct Foo; // another crate let _ = Foo { .. }; // Currently forbidden

Privacy: building structs with private defaulted fields

In this RFC we do not propose any changes to the normal visibility rules: constructing a struct with default fields requires those fields to be visible in that scope.

Let’s consider a scenario where this comes into play:

pub mod foo { pub struct Alpha { beta: u8 = 42, gamma: bool = true, } } mod bar { fn baz() { let x = Alpha { .. }; } }

Despite foo::bar being in a different module than foo::Alpha and despite beta and gamma being private to foo::bar, a Rust compiler could accept the above snippet. It would be legal because when Alpha { .. } expands to Alpha { beta: 42, gamma: true }, the fields beta and gamma can be considered in the context of foo::Alpha’s definition site rather than bar::baz’s definition site.

By permitting the above snippet, you are able to construct a default value for a type more ergonomically with Foo { .. }. Since it isn’t possible for functions in beta to access field’s value, the value 42 or any other remains at all times private to alpha. Therefore, privacy, and by extension soundness, is preserved.

This used to be the behavior the [Functional Record Update syntax had before RFC-0736, where we previously allowed for the construction of a value with private fields with values from a base expression.

If a user wishes to keep other modules from constructing a Foo with Foo { .. } they can add, or keep, one private field without a default, or add (for now) #[non_exhaustive], as mixing these two features is not allowed under this RFC. Situations where this can be important include those where Foo is some token for some resource and where fabricating a Foo may prove dangerous or worse unsound. This is however no different than carelessly adding #[derive(Default)].

Changing this behavior after stabilization of this RFC does present a potential foot-gun: if an API author relies on the privacy of a defaulted field to make a type unconstructable outside of its defining crate, then this change would cause the API to no longer be correct, needing the addition of a non-defaulted private field to keep its prior behavior. If we were to make this change, we could lint about the situation when all default values are private, which would be silenced by adding another non-defaulted private field.

Another alternative would be to allow this new behavior in an opt in manner, such as an attribute or item modifier:

pub mod foo { #[allow_private_defaults(gamma)] pub struct Alpha { beta: u8 = 42, gamma: bool = true, } }
pub mod foo { struct Alpha { pub(default) beta: u8 = 42, pub(default) gamma: bool = true, } }

Additionally, the interaction between this privacy behavior and #[non_exhaustive] is fraught and requires additional discussion.

“Empty” types and types without default field values

Under this RFC, the following code isn’t specified one way or the other:

pub struct Foo; let _ = Foo { .. }; // should be denied

I propose we disallow this at least initially. .. can then only be used if there is at least one default field. We might want to change this rule in the future, but careful with how it would interact with #[non_exhaustive], as it could accidentally allow for types that are not meant to be constructed outside of a given crate to all of a sudden be constructable.

One alternative can be to provide an explicit opt-in attribute to allow for the use of default field values even if the type doesn’t currently have any:

#[allow(default_field_construction)] pub struct Foo; let _ = Foo { .. }; // ok

Use of _ on struct literals

On patterns, one can currently use field: _ to explicitly ignore a single named field, in order to force a compilation error at the pattern use place if a field is explicitly added to the type. One could envision a desire to allow for the use of the same syntax during construction, as an explicit expression to set a given default, but still fail to compile if a field has been added to the type:

struct Foo { bar: i32 = 42, } let _ = Foo { bar: _, };

Tuple structs and tuple variants

Although it could, this proposal does not offer a way to specify default values for tuple struct / variant fields. For example, you may not write:

#[derive(Default)] struct Alpha(u8 = 42, bool = true); #[derive(Default)] enum Ingredient { Tomato(TasteQuality, Color = Color::Red), Lettuce, }

While well-defined semantics could be given for these positional fields, there are some tricky design choices; in particular:

  • It’s unclear whether the following should be permitted:

    #[derive(Default)] struct Beta(&'static str = "hello", bool);

    In particular, the fields with defaults are not at the end of the struct. A restriction could imposed to enforce that. However, it would also be useful to admit the above definition of Beta so that #[derive(Default)] can make use of "hello".

  • The syntax Alpha(..) as an expression already has a meaning. Namely, it is sugar for Alpha(RangeFull). Thus unfortunately, this syntax cannot be used to mean Alpha(42, true). In newer editions, the syntax Alpha(...) (three dots) can be used for filling in defaults. This would ostensibly entail adding the pattern syntax Alpha(...) as well.

  • As mentioned in the previous section, _ could also be allowed in struct literals. If so, then they would also be allowed in tuple literals, allowing us to use the struct in the prior snippet with Beta(_, true).

For these reasons, default values for positional fields are not included in this RFC and are instead left as a possible future extension.

Integration with structural records

In RFC 2584 structural records are proposed. These records are structural like tuples but have named fields. As an example, you can write:

let color = { red: 255u8, green: 100u8, blue: 70u8 };

which then has the type:

{ red: u8, green: u8, blue: u8 }

These can then be used to further emulate named arguments. For example:

fn open_window(config: { height: u32, width: u32 }) { // logic... } open_window({ height: 720, width: 1280 });

Since this proposal introduces field defaults, the natural combination with structural records would be to permit them to have defaults. For example:

fn open_window(config: { height: u32 = 1080, width: u32 = 1920 }) { // logic... }

A coercion could then allow you to write:

open_window({ .. });

This could be interpreted as open_window({ RangeFull }), see the previous section for a discussion… alternatively open_window(_) could be permitted instead for general value inference where _ is a placeholder expression similar to _ as a type expression placeholder (i.e. a fresh and unconstrained unification variable).

If you wanted to override a default, you would write:

open_window({ height: 720, });

Note that the syntax used to give fields in structural records defaults belongs to the type grammar; in other words, the following would be legal:

type RGB = { red: u8 = 0, green: u8 = 0, blue: u8 = 0 }; let color: RGB = { red: 255, };

As structural records are not yet in the language, figuring out designs for how to extend this RFC to them is left as possible work for the future.

Integration with struct literal type inference

Yet another common requested feature is the introduction of struct literal type inference in the form of elision of the name of an ADT literal when it can be gleaned from context. This has sometimes been proposed as an alternative or complementary to structural records. This would allow people to write foo(_ { bar: 42 }) where the function argument type is inferred from the foo definition. struct literal type inference with default struct fields would also allow people to write APIs that “feel” like named function arguments when calling them, although not when defining them.

struct Config { height: u32 = 1080, width: u32 = 1920, } fn open_window(config: Config) { // logic... } open_window(_ { width: 800, .. });

Accessing default values from the type

If one were to conceptualize default field values in the following way:

struct Config { height: u32 = Self::HEIGHT, width: u32 = Self::WIDTH, } impl Config { const HEIGHT: u32 = 1080, const WIDTH: u32 = 1920, }

It would follow that one should be able to access the value of these defaults without constructing Config, by writing Config::HEIGHT. I do not believe this should be done or advanced, but there’s nothing in this RFC that precludes some mechanism to access these values in the future. With the RFC as written, these values can be accessed by instantiating Config { .. }.height, as long as height is visible in the current scope.

Note that the opposite is supported, writing that code will compile, so any API author that wants to make these const values on the type can:

struct Config { height: u32 = Config::HEIGHT, width: u32 = Config::WIDTH, } impl Config { const HEIGHT: u32 = 1080, const WIDTH: u32 = 1920, }

Non-const values

Although there are strong reasons to restrict default values only to const values, it would be possible to allow non-const values as well, potentially allowed but linted against. Expanding the kind of values that can be accepted can be expanded in the future.

Of note, Default implementations are not currently ~const, but that is something to be addressed by making them ~const when suitable instead.

Lint against explicit impl Default when #[derive(Default)] would be ok

As a future improvement, we could nudge implementors towards leveraging the feature for less verbosity, but care will have to be taken in not being overly annoying, particularly for crates that have an MSRV that would preclude them from using this feature. This could be an edition lint, which would simplify implementation.