simd.rsuse std::cmp::Ordering;
use crate::consteval::try_const_usize;
use crate::TyKind;
use super::*;
macro_rules! from_bytes {
($ty:tt, $value:expr) => {
($ty::from_le_bytes(match ($value).try_into() {
Ok(it) => it,
Err(_) => return Err(MirEvalError::InternalError("mismatched size".into())),
macro_rules! not_supported {
($it: expr) => {
return Err(MirEvalError::NotSupported(format!($it)))
impl Evaluator<'_> {
fn detect_simd_ty(&self, ty: &Ty) -> Result<(usize, Ty)> {
match ty.kind(Interner) {
TyKind::Adt(id, subst) => {
let len = match subst.as_slice(Interner).get(1).and_then(|it| it.constant(Interner))
Some(len) => len,
_ => {
if let AdtId::StructId(id) = id.0 {
let struct_data = self.db.struct_data(id);
let fields = struct_data.variant_data.fields();
let Some((first_field, _)) = fields.iter().next() else {
not_supported!("simd type with no field");
let field_ty = self.db.field_types(id.into())[first_field]
.substitute(Interner, subst);
return Ok((fields.len(), field_ty));
return Err(MirEvalError::InternalError(
"simd type with no len param".into(),
match try_const_usize(self.db, len) {
Some(len) => {
let Some(ty) =
subst.as_slice(Interner).first().and_then(|it| it.ty(Interner))
else {
return Err(MirEvalError::InternalError(
"simd type with no ty param".into(),
Ok((len as usize, ty.clone()))
None => Err(MirEvalError::InternalError(
"simd type with unevaluatable len param".into(),
_ => Err(MirEvalError::InternalError("simd type which is not a struct".into())),
pub(super) fn exec_simd_intrinsic(
&mut self,
name: &str,
args: &[IntervalAndTy],
_generic_args: &Substitution,
destination: Interval,
_locals: &Locals,
_span: MirSpan,
) -> Result<()> {
match name {
"and" | "or" | "xor" => {
let [left, right] = args else {
return Err(MirEvalError::InternalError(
"simd bit op args are not provided".into(),
let result = left
.map(|(&it, &y)| match name {
"and" => it & y,
"or" => it | y,
"xor" => it ^ y,
_ => unreachable!(),
destination.write_from_bytes(self, &result)
"eq" | "ne" | "lt" | "le" | "gt" | "ge" => {
let [left, right] = args else {
return Err(MirEvalError::InternalError("simd args are not provided".into()));
let (len, ty) = self.detect_simd_ty(&left.ty)?;
let is_signed = matches!(ty.as_builtin(), Some(BuiltinType::Int(_)));
let size = left.interval.size / len;
let dest_size = destination.size / len;
let mut destination_bytes = vec![];
let vector = left.get(self)?.chunks(size).zip(right.get(self)?.chunks(size));
for (l, r) in vector {
let mut result = Ordering::Equal;
for (l, r) in l.iter().zip(r).rev() {
let it = l.cmp(r);
if it != Ordering::Equal {
result = it;
if is_signed {
if let Some((&l, &r)) = l.iter().zip(r).next_back() {
if l != r {
result = (l as i8).cmp(&(r as i8));
let result = match result {
Ordering::Less => ["lt", "le", "ne"].contains(&name),
Ordering::Equal => ["ge", "le", "eq"].contains(&name),
Ordering::Greater => ["ge", "gt", "ne"].contains(&name),
let result = if result { 255 } else { 0 };
destination.write_from_bytes(self, &destination_bytes)
"bitmask" => {
let [op] = args else {
return Err(MirEvalError::InternalError(
"simd_bitmask args are not provided".into(),
let (op_len, _) = self.detect_simd_ty(&op.ty)?;
let op_count = op.interval.size / op_len;
let mut result: u64 = 0;
for (i, val) in op.get(self)?.chunks(op_count).enumerate() {
if !val.iter().all(|&it| it == 0) {
result |= 1 << i;
destination.write_from_bytes(self, &result.to_le_bytes()[0..destination.size])
"shuffle" => {
let [left, right, index] = args else {
return Err(MirEvalError::InternalError(
"simd_shuffle args are not provided".into(),
let TyKind::Array(_, index_len) = index.ty.kind(Interner) else {
return Err(MirEvalError::InternalError(
"simd_shuffle index argument has non-array type".into(),
let index_len = match try_const_usize(self.db, index_len) {
Some(it) => it as usize,
None => {
return Err(MirEvalError::InternalError(
"simd type with unevaluatable len param".into(),
let (left_len, _) = self.detect_simd_ty(&left.ty)?;
let left_size = left.interval.size / left_len;
let vector =
let mut result = vec![];
for index in index.get(self)?.chunks(index.interval.size / index_len) {
let index = from_bytes!(u32, index) as usize;
let val = match vector.clone().nth(index) {
Some(it) => it,
None => {
return Err(MirEvalError::InternalError(
"out of bound access in simd shuffle".into(),
destination.write_from_bytes(self, &result)
_ => not_supported!("unknown simd intrinsic {name}"),