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//! An opaque façade around platform-specific QoS APIs.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
// Please maintain order from least to most priority for the derived `Ord` impl.
pub enum ThreadIntent {
/// Any thread which does work that isn’t in the critical path of the user typing
/// (e.g. processing Go To Definition).
/// Any thread which does work caused by the user typing
/// (e.g. processing syntax highlighting).
impl ThreadIntent {
// These APIs must remain private;
// we only want consumers to set thread intent
// either during thread creation or using our pool impl.
pub(super) fn apply_to_current_thread(self) {
let class = thread_intent_to_qos_class(self);
pub(super) fn assert_is_used_on_current_thread(self) {
let class = thread_intent_to_qos_class(self);
assert_eq!(get_current_thread_qos_class(), Some(class));
use imp::QoSClass;
fn set_current_thread_qos_class(class: QoSClass) {
fn get_current_thread_qos_class() -> Option<QoSClass> {
fn thread_intent_to_qos_class(intent: ThreadIntent) -> QoSClass {
// All Apple platforms use XNU as their kernel
// and thus have the concept of QoS.
#[cfg(target_vendor = "apple")]
mod imp {
use super::ThreadIntent;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
// Please maintain order from least to most priority for the derived `Ord` impl.
pub(super) enum QoSClass {
// Documentation adapted from
/// TLDR: invisible maintenance tasks
/// Contract:
/// * **You do not care about how long it takes for work to finish.**
/// * **You do not care about work being deferred temporarily.**
/// (e.g. if the device’s battery is in a critical state)
/// Examples:
/// * in a video editor:
/// creating periodic backups of project files
/// * in a browser:
/// cleaning up cached sites which have not been accessed in a long time
/// * in a collaborative word processor:
/// creating a searchable index of all documents
/// Use this QoS class for background tasks
/// which the user did not initiate themselves
/// and which are invisible to the user.
/// It is expected that this work will take significant time to complete:
/// minutes or even hours.
/// This QoS class provides the most energy and thermally-efficient execution possible.
/// All other work is prioritized over background tasks.
/// TLDR: tasks that don’t block using your app
/// Contract:
/// * **Your app remains useful even as the task is executing.**
/// Examples:
/// * in a video editor:
/// exporting a video to disk –
/// the user can still work on the timeline
/// * in a browser:
/// automatically extracting a downloaded zip file –
/// the user can still switch tabs
/// * in a collaborative word processor:
/// downloading images embedded in a document –
/// the user can still make edits
/// Use this QoS class for tasks which
/// may or may not be initiated by the user,
/// but whose result is visible.
/// It is expected that this work will take a few seconds to a few minutes.
/// Typically your app will include a progress bar
/// for tasks using this class.
/// This QoS class provides a balance between
/// performance, responsiveness and efficiency.
/// TLDR: tasks that block using your app
/// Contract:
/// * **You need this work to complete
/// before the user can keep interacting with your app.**
/// * **Your work will not take more than a few seconds to complete.**
/// Examples:
/// * in a video editor:
/// opening a saved project
/// * in a browser:
/// loading a list of the user’s bookmarks and top sites
/// when a new tab is created
/// * in a collaborative word processor:
/// running a search on the document’s content
/// Use this QoS class for tasks which were initiated by the user
/// and block the usage of your app while they are in progress.
/// It is expected that this work will take a few seconds or less to complete;
/// not long enough to cause the user to switch to something else.
/// Your app will likely indicate progress on these tasks
/// through the display of placeholder content or modals.
/// This QoS class is not energy-efficient.
/// Rather, it provides responsiveness
/// by prioritizing work above other tasks on the system
/// except for critical user-interactive work.
/// TLDR: render loops and nothing else
/// Contract:
/// * **You absolutely need this work to complete immediately
/// or your app will appear to freeze.**
/// * **Your work will always complete virtually instantaneously.**
/// Examples:
/// * the main thread in a GUI application
/// * the update & render loop in a game
/// * a secondary thread which progresses an animation
/// Use this QoS class for any work which, if delayed,
/// will make your user interface unresponsive.
/// It is expected that this work will be virtually instantaneous.
/// This QoS class is not energy-efficient.
/// Specifying this class is a request to run with
/// nearly all available system CPU and I/O bandwidth even under contention.
pub(super) const IS_QOS_AVAILABLE: bool = true;
pub(super) fn set_current_thread_qos_class(class: QoSClass) {
let c = match class {
QoSClass::UserInteractive => libc::qos_class_t::QOS_CLASS_USER_INTERACTIVE,
QoSClass::UserInitiated => libc::qos_class_t::QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED,
QoSClass::Utility => libc::qos_class_t::QOS_CLASS_UTILITY,
QoSClass::Background => libc::qos_class_t::QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND,
let code = unsafe { libc::pthread_set_qos_class_self_np(c, 0) };
if code == 0 {
let errno = unsafe { *libc::__error() };
match errno {
libc::EPERM => {
// This thread has been excluded from the QoS system
// due to a previous call to a function such as `pthread_setschedparam`
// which is incompatible with QoS.
// Panic instead of returning an error
// to maintain the invariant that we only use QoS APIs.
panic!("tried to set QoS of thread which has opted out of QoS (os error {errno})")
libc::EINVAL => {
// This is returned if we pass something other than a qos_class_t
// to `pthread_set_qos_class_self_np`.
// This is impossible, so again panic.
"invalid qos_class_t value was passed to pthread_set_qos_class_self_np"
_ => {
// `pthread_set_qos_class_self_np`’s documentation
// does not mention any other errors.
unreachable!("`pthread_set_qos_class_self_np` returned unexpected error {errno}")
pub(super) fn get_current_thread_qos_class() -> Option<QoSClass> {
let current_thread = unsafe { libc::pthread_self() };
let mut qos_class_raw = libc::qos_class_t::QOS_CLASS_UNSPECIFIED;
let code = unsafe {
libc::pthread_get_qos_class_np(current_thread, &mut qos_class_raw, std::ptr::null_mut())
if code != 0 {
// `pthread_get_qos_class_np`’s documentation states that
// an error value is placed into errno if the return code is not zero.
// However, it never states what errors are possible.
// Inspecting the source[0] shows that, as of this writing, it always returns zero.
// Whatever errors the function could report in future are likely to be
// ones which we cannot handle anyway
// 0:
let errno = unsafe { *libc::__error() };
unreachable!("`pthread_get_qos_class_np` failed unexpectedly (os error {errno})");
match qos_class_raw {
libc::qos_class_t::QOS_CLASS_USER_INTERACTIVE => Some(QoSClass::UserInteractive),
libc::qos_class_t::QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED => Some(QoSClass::UserInitiated),
libc::qos_class_t::QOS_CLASS_DEFAULT => None, // QoS has never been set
libc::qos_class_t::QOS_CLASS_UTILITY => Some(QoSClass::Utility),
libc::qos_class_t::QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND => Some(QoSClass::Background),
libc::qos_class_t::QOS_CLASS_UNSPECIFIED => {
// Using manual scheduling APIs causes threads to “opt out” of QoS.
// At this point they become incompatible with QoS,
// and as such have the “unspecified” QoS class.
// Panic instead of returning an error
// to maintain the invariant that we only use QoS APIs.
panic!("tried to get QoS of thread which has opted out of QoS")
pub(super) fn thread_intent_to_qos_class(intent: ThreadIntent) -> QoSClass {
match intent {
ThreadIntent::Worker => QoSClass::Utility,
ThreadIntent::LatencySensitive => QoSClass::UserInitiated,
// FIXME: Windows has QoS APIs, we should use them!
#[cfg(not(target_vendor = "apple"))]
mod imp {
use super::ThreadIntent;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub(super) enum QoSClass {
pub(super) const IS_QOS_AVAILABLE: bool = false;
pub(super) fn set_current_thread_qos_class(_: QoSClass) {}
pub(super) fn get_current_thread_qos_class() -> Option<QoSClass> {
pub(super) fn thread_intent_to_qos_class(_: ThreadIntent) -> QoSClass {